1,260 search results for “history of south africa” in the Student website
Call for Papers symposium on experimentation and innovation in human-environmental links across the Americas
In memoriam: Dr Andrzej Antczak (1956-2024)
On February 28th of this year Dr. Andrzej Tadeusz Antczak died of cancer after a long battle. Until his retirement in 2023 Andrzej was attached to the Faculty of Archaeology as an Associate Professor in Caribbean Archaeology. From 2017 until 2020 he was the Head of the Department of World Archaeology,…
ASCL Seminar: Africa's Second Struggle for Freedom: What's decolonisation got to do with it?
‘Poorer people often bear the brunt of sustainability initiatives’
The effects of sustainability projects on poorer, marginalised people should be considered at a much earlier stage. This is the opinion of Marja Spierenburg, Professor of Anthropology of Sustainable Development and Livelihood, who will give her inaugural lecture on 25 February.
Bart Verheijen
Faculty of Humanities
Havar Solheim
Faculty of Humanities
Comenius grant for more diverse ancient history: 'Especially in the first year of the bachelor, the impact of a project is great'
The History programme has been working for several years to make the curriculum more diverse and inclusive. With a Comenius grant, university lecturer Kim Beerden wants to take the next step.
EUniwell Open Lecture Series | Africa the Conservation Continent of the 21st Century?
As part of the EUniWell Open Lecture Series, Prof. Dr. Michael Bollig will be speaking on 'Africa the Conservation Continent of the 21st Century? Contemporary Practices and Future Orientations of Biodiversity Protection between Globalisation and Local Action' on Thursday, 28 April, 18:00 CET /…
Students Sander, Linde and Melle create an online exhibition for the University Library
With a recently published major research project and an exhibition at the Rijksmuseum, the struggle for independence in Indonesia has been thrusted back into the spotlight. Leiden University is devoting attention to this topic as well. History students Sander van der Horst and Melle van Maanen joined…
Book Launch: Capitalism in Contemporary Iran
ISGA Contributes to Training African Officers in Military Diplomacy
The Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) of Leiden University contributed to the design and teaching of modules of this year’s edition of the Ministry of Defence’s ‘International Military Cooperation Course Africa’.
Dung Ly
Faculty of Humanities
Anwesha Sengupta
Faculty of Humanities
Royal honour for emeritus professor Willem Otterspeer
Emeritus professor Willem Otterspeer received a royal honour from mayor Henri Lenferink on Tuesday 20 September. The university historian was appointed Knight of the Order of Orange-Nassau.
Dancing around the throne: networking in the time of King William I
Showing your face at dinners and parties at court: it was the way to get noticed by the king in William I's time. Joost Welten's latest book reveals how, during the reign of William I, the elite danced around his throne both literally and figuratively.
May Shaddel Basir
Faculty of Humanities
Bram Eenink
Faculty of Humanities
Elsemieke Daalder
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Policy in Practice Heritage and the Question of Conversion
Students researchers’ research proposals are drawn up in consultation with D&I Expertise Office staff, taking account of what the latter find urgent and relevant. The results of the research are shared with D&I Expertise Office staff, even if subject to common ethical standards of ethnographic research…
Leiden Classics: the man behind the beadle
Almost everywhere in the world where the post exists, the beadle is a ‘master of ceremonies’ who only makes his appearance on special occasions. In Leiden the beadle does much more. He is indispensable at dissertation defences and orations. He directs ceremonies and is a master at calming nerves.
Keti Koti Table
Diner | Dialoog
Children's Rights Moot Court 2023
Winners of Children's Rights Moot Court 2023
Wars in Ukraine and Gaza could soon affect our approach to the North Pole
The Houthis are attacking ships in the Red Sea. Rerouting via South Africa is expensive, whereas the Arctic route only takes a week. Once a no-go zone, this route might be a more realistic option. Mind the nuclear submarines, though…
When deciding what to study you undoubtedly read a lot of information about your study programme. Leiden University employs various systems to provide information about programmes and courses and to facilitate communication between lecturers and students.
Apply now for the Una Europa Virtual Sustainability Exchange
Education, Research
EAMENA (Endangered Archaeology of the Middle East and North Africa): One database to rule them all?
Sander van der Horst
Faculty of Humanities
Yichieh Mireille Shih
Faculty of Humanities
Eddie Meijer
Faculty of Humanities
Dominant style stifled innovation in 19th century seascapes
Long into the 19th century, seascapes were considered an expression of patriotism. Artists who painted in a 17th century style were valued more. This tradition stifled innovation in the genre, Cécile Bosman has concluded. She will defend her PhD thesis on 13 October.
Jessica den Oudsten wins the eighth Uitgeverij Verloren/ Johan de Witt thesis award
Jessica den Oudsten won this year’s Uitgeverij Verloren/Johan de Witt thesis award for history with her master’s thesis, entitled "The descendants of Norwegian and Danish Immigrants". The prize was awarded for the eighth time in collaboration with Elsevier Weekblad. The incentive award went to Amber…
Anne Por
Faculty of Humanities
Johannes Müller
Faculty of Humanities
Tim Claerhout
Writing Global History
Conference, Research Colloquium
"From Epistemicide to ‘Epistemic Disobedience'" by Anne-Maria Makhulu
Sam Peters
Faculty of Humanities
Christina Zymari
Faculty of Humanities
Martijn Treur
Faculty of Humanities
Twan Bosman
Faculty of Humanities
Christien Smits
Faculty of Humanities
Ariette Dekker
Faculty of Humanities
Nina Witteman
Faculty of Humanities
Olivier Wijdicks
Faculty of Humanities
Brianne Wesolowski
Faculty of Humanities
Beryl Prenen
Faculty of Humanities
Kerstin Winking
Faculty of Humanities
Neilabh Sinha
Faculty of Humanities
When deciding what to study you undoubtedly read a lot of information about your study programme. Leiden University employs various systems to provide information about programmes and courses and to facilitate communication between lecturers and students.
Paula Harvey
Faculty of Humanities