2,279 search results for “research with animal” in the Public website
Modelling metastatic melanoma in zebrafish
Death in all types of melanomas is generally caused by metastasis. Uveal melanoma (UM) is the most common intraocular melanoma, there are currently no (patient-derived) animal models that faithfully recapitulate metastatic dissemination of UM.
Apocalypse, empire, and universal mission at the end of antiquity: world religions at the crossroads
On Tuesday 10 September 2024 May Shaddel Basir successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Social Anxiety and Specific Phobia in youth
Welcome to the Social Anxiety and Specific Phobia (SASP) Research Group!
The Western European Loess Belt
Agrian History, 5300 BC - AD 1000; C.C. Bakels
Integrating cellular and tissue dynamics with cell fate decisions through computational modeling
There is a need for alternative methods to replace, reduce and refine (3R) animal experimentation. Combining experimental data from high-throughput in vitro studies with in silico modeling is a promising approach to unravel the effect of chemicals on living cells and to gain a better understanding of…
Emblems and the Natural World
The multiple connections between emblematics and Natural History in the broader perspective of their underlying artistic, literary, political and religious ideologies.
Toll-like receptor signaling in the innate immune system of zebrafish larvae
Promotor: H.P. Spaink, A.H. Meijer Co-promotor: R. Marin-Juez
Human Evolution
This multidisciplinary minor provides students with knowledge on how and why humans became the way they are. The minor focuses on the evolution of the species Homo sapiens from other hominin lineages and animal ancestors, and on the various factors shaping this process. Not only is human evolution of…
- SSEALS - 2025
Burgers moeten publieke informatie over hun directe omgeving kunnen achterhalen
Minister Wiersma heeft circa vijftien informatieverzoeken, over de hoeveelheid vee en de locaties van stallen van veehouders stilgelegd. Universitair hoofddocent Staats- en bestuursrecht, Annemarie Drahmann, stelt in het NRC dat de wet verplicht dat dergelijke milieugegevens openbaar moeten worden g…
Mayra Aguirre García
Humanities Hub opens: new digital facilities for researchers and students
The new Humanities Hub in the Huizinga Building was officially opened on Tuesday 3 December. In the different labs, researchers presented the options for using digital technologies in humanities research.
Research projects
An overview of research projects at the Predictive Pharmacology group.
Casimir Research School to receive € 800,000 for talented PhD candidates
The Casimir Research School is to receive an € 800,000 subsidy from the NWO Graduate Programme to further integrate the master's study and PhD research. Minister Plasterk judged the Leiden-Delft Casimir plan to be one of the best.
Nanodata – Data providing services in support of research and policy in the field of nanosciences and nanotechnologies
This project, commissioned by DG Research and Innovation, aims to provide information for policies that lead to the creation and improvement of the conditions which will allow researchers and European industries to safely master the properties of nanomaterials and to innovate with nanotechnology.
Good-natured twins on the secret jungles in the city
In Dutch TV programme Early Birds, Marvin and Kevin Groen (26) showed viewers areas of nature in the city that often go unnoticed. These good-natured brothers - twins, in fact - were a big hit with the viewers. How much influence do they have on one another's studies and work?
- Career prospects
Chemistry (MSc)
As a student in the MSc Chemistry programme offered by the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC) you will focus your studies on one of the two main research areas of the LIC. Students in the research area Chemical Biology will study fundamental biological and biomedical problems to understand physiological…
Life Science & Technology (MSc)
Increased molecular knowledge of the mechanisms of processes in the cell can lead to better medicines or new methods for combating diseases. Our MSc students in Life Science and Technology (LST) specifically learn to understand the molecular and structural chemical and biological aspects of disease-related…
Eva Schmidt
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Janneke Fruin-Helb Scholarship for student Tim Rietbergen
Tim Rietbergen, master student Evolutionary Biology at Leiden University, won the award for the best Leiden University Fund (LUF) grant application of 2018. The jury praised his proposal ‘On the origin of Bats’ to be the most creative and of exceptionally high quality. Rietbergen will spend the prize…
Jorinde Nuytinck
James France
Bachelor programme structure
Study all aspects of human life in the past and take on a broad, historic perspective.
Vote for a super-talented Leiden scientist
The New Scientist magazine has selected two young Leiden scientists for its Top 25 Young Talents in the Netherlands and Flanders: historian Karwan Fatah-Black and neuropsychologist Mariska Kret. Who will be the winner? You can vote for one of them!
Unilever Research Prize 2015 for Biologist Flor Rhebergen
On December 4th, Flor Rhebergen received the 2015 Unilever Research prize for his study achievements at the IBL for his outstanding work in the field of Evolutionary Biology. Flor Rhebergen received the “Ovum” sculpture and was awarded €2.500.
What if the Netherlands became vegan?
Imagine no one in the Netherlands would eat animal products anymore, what would happen? And would it contribute to more climate justice? That is the theoretical exercise that environmental scientist Jan Willem Erisman and landscape architect Berno Strootman are taking up. 'Sometimes you have to think…
Tailoring x-ray tomography techniques for cultural heritage research
Visualizing the internal structure is a crucial step in acquiring knowledge about the origin, state, and composition of cultural heritage artifacts. Among the most powerful techniques for exposing the interior of cultural heritage objects is computed tomography (CT), a technique that computationally…
‘Being a slave’ Indian ocean slavery in local context
What did it mean to be enslaved in in the Indian Ocean world in the 18th and 19th centuries? Over the last decades, historians have mined French, British, Portuguese and Dutch records for quantitative data on the European slave trade. This project focuses on the experience of being a slave and seeks…
Evaluation of (4-Arylpiperidin-1-yl)cyclopentanecarboxamides As High-Affinity and Long-Residence-Time Antagonists for the CCR2 Receptor
Animal models suggest that the chemokine ligand 2/CC-chemokine receptor 2 (CCL2/CCR2) axis plays an important role in the development of inflammatory diseases. However, CCR2 antagonists have failed in clinical trials because of a lack of efficacy.
Bin Your Butt
Have you spotted the special voting bins on campus yet? Send us your suggestions for challenging, non-scientific questions and who knows? Your burning question might just be the next butt-kicker!
New History of Fishes. A long-term approach to fishes in science and culture, 1550-1880
From 1550 onwards, a great interest in the natural world developed across Europe. This interest was not only stimulated by a growing knowledge of local flora and fauna, but also by the import of numerous exotic animal and plant species. Think, for instance, of researches and collectors like Gessner…
Clinical applications of (pharmaco)metabolomics
The predication of the effect (efficiency and toxicity) of a drug in a patient is very important in (i) clinical decision support and (ii) the development of novel drug treatments. We apply our technology and methods to find biomarkers for key disease pathways and toxicity in clinical studies and in…
Economic thinking in the Socratic authors and Aristotle
This subproject of 'From Homo Economicus to Political Animal' analyzes Greek economic thinking in late 5th- and 4th-century philosophical circles.
Targeted biomolecule production for therapeutic use
We aim to develop a drug-delivery method based on the production of biomolecules directly at the target site.
Leiden University focuses on four leadership competences. We believe that connecting with both yourself and others is essential for good teamwork, taking responsibility and pushing boundaries.
The International Civil Service: Redefining Its Independence
On 18 April, Alexandre Tavadian defended the thesis 'The International Civil Service: Redefining Its Independence'. The doctoral research was supervised by Niels Blokker and Brian McGarry.
Sustaining Ethical Aquatic Trade (SEAT)
Creating a framework to assess the sustainability of fish farms which will set sustainability standards and give consumers information about the the sustainability and safety of their seafood.
Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology (MSc)
In the master’s specialisation Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology at Leiden University students are trained by experts in the areas of molecular biology, microbiology, plant genetics, cellular imaging, animal disease models, and various –omics technologies and the corresponding bioinformatics.
Microneedle-mediated vaccine delivery
Promotores: Prof.dr. J. A. Bouwstra, Prof.dr. W. Jiskoot
Cryptic species discovery
Do understudied animals contain hidden species?
Pre-Columbian social organisation and interaction interpreted through the study of settlement patterns
An archaeological case-study of the Pointe des Châteaux, La Désirade and Les Îles de la Petite Terre micro-region, Guadeloupe, F.W.I.
Quantitative systems pharmacology modeling of biotherapeutics in oncology
In this thesis, mathematical modeling and simulation was applied as a tool to inform quantitative decision making in oncology drug discovery and development.
Zebrafish as vertebrate model of Gaucher disease
Lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs) are a group of orphan diseases characterized by lysosomal dysfunction or impaired lysosomal catabolism and affect collectively about 1 in 5000 live births.
Cannabinoid receptor 2 as a ‘drugable’ target: kinetic profile of novel receptor ligands
Supervisor: Andrea Martella
Exploring the mechanism of targeted nanoparticle-mediated drug delivery using the zebrafish model
Exploring the mechanism of targeted nanoparticle-mediated drug delivery using the zebrafish model
Seeing voices: the role of multimodal cues in vocal learning
Humans and songbirds learn their vocalizations early in life by exposure to the vocalizations of adult conspecifics. Often, better learning outcomes are achieved with live, social, tutors than with audio-only exposure to vocalizations.
Environmental Humanities in the New Himalayas: Symbiotic Indigeneity, Commoning, Sustainability
Environmental Humanities in the New Himalayas: Symbiotic Indigeneity, Commoning, Sustainability showcases how the eco-geological creativity of the earth is integrally woven into the landforms, cultures, and cosmovisions of modern Himalayan communities.
Specters of Cavafy
Haunting the future through poetry
Evaluation of synergistic effects of Chinese herbal medicine and natural compounds on cancers
What are the biological effects of Chinese herbal medicine in regulation of cancer cell metastasis?