1,252 search results for “ai en samenleving” in the Public website
Bachelor Economie en Samenleving
Are you interested in an economics programme that takes a multidisciplinary approach? The bachelor’s degree Economics and Society combines economics with political science and law, allowing you to understand the most pressing economic and societal challenges from various perspectives.
Economie & Samenleving
This programme video is presented in Dutch
Economie & Samenleving (BSc)
Op zoek naar een bacheloropleiding economie met een sterke focus op publiek beleid? Bij de bacheloropleiding Economie & Samenleving leer je in tegenstelling tot traditionele economieopleidingen om slim en strategisch te navigeren binnen de huidige complexe, juridische en politieke context.
HZ Kenniscentrum Zeeuwse Samenleving
HZ Kenniscentrum Zeeuwse Samenleving doet op vraag van regionale overheden en maatschappelijke organisaties onderzoek naar actuele en maatschappelijke thema’s in de provincie Zeeland. De uitkomsten van onderzoeken en analyses worden gebruikt voor kennisopbouw en als basis voor beleidsopbouw en -ontwikkeling.…
Zhengtian Ai
Yu Ai
Faculty of Humanities
De lichtheid van literatuur: Engagement in de multiculturele samenleving
De lichtheid van literatuur: Engagement in de multiculturele samenleving (The Lightness of Literature: Engagement in the Multicultural Society) is a plea for the social relevance of literature. The book delves into an age-old debate about literature and social engagement, which has recently been reinvigorated…
Enes Sütütemiz
Faculty of Humanities
AI for Healthcare Robotics
Eduard Fosch-Villaronga and Hadassah Drukarch from eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies, recently published the book ‘AI for Healthcare Robotics’, published by CRC Press from Taylor and Francis Group in their AI for Everything Series.
Over lokalisme, liefdewerk en lonkend perspectief: Verkenning naar participatie en burgerinitiatief in de Nederlandse archeologie.
Dit rapport maakt deel uit van het project Receptenboek burgerparticipatie in opdracht van de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE) en met steun van het Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie.
De stad en de dood
Het is een wijdverbreid idee dat (post-)middeleeuwse steden een sterfteoverschot hadden en zij slechts in leven konden blijven door de toestroom van migranten; een fenomeen dat bekend staat als het ‘urban graveyard’-effect. Over details valt te twisten, maar duidelijk is dat de stad en de dood dichter…
Organising public sector AI adoption: Navigating between separation and integration
In this article, Friso Selten and Bram Klievink explore how public organisations strategically manage the adoption of AI.
Socially Embedded AI Systems
This interdisciplinary research project explores several adaptive machine learning methods which can give insight into the interaction between human and machine. The ultimate goal is open and natural communication between humans and AI that should result in mutual trust, cooperation and coordination…
Law and Artificial Intelligence, Regulating AI and Applying AI in Legal Practice
From deepfakes and disinformation to killer robots, surgical robots and AI lawmaking: AI (Artificial Intelligence) is changing our world. That raises the question whether this requires some form of regulation. At eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University, prof. Bart Custers…
Veranderend kunstenaarschap - De rol en betekenis van de kunstenaar in participatieve kunstpraktijken
De positie van kunst en kunstenaars in de westerse samenleving
Healthcare robots and AI
Healthcare robots and AI is a project that investigates the legal and regulatory aspects of healthcare robot and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies
Gabe van Beijeren Bergen en Henegouwen
Faculty of Humanities
Gendering Algorithms for AI Governance
A growing global concern is that automated recognition systems may exacerbate and reinforce existing biases that different societies have with respect to gender, age, race, and sexual orientation. Questions around the consequences of automated gender recognition are particularly poorly understood and…
Dagelijks leven in Nederland voor en na het jaar 0
More than a digital system: how AI is changing the role of bureaucrats in different organizational contexts
In this paper, Sarah Giest and Bram Klievink highlight the effects of AI implementation on public sector innovation. This is explored by asking how AI-driven technologies in public decision-making in different organizational contexts impacts innovation in the role definition of bureaucrats.
Economie en transities: ongelijkheid, klimaat en globalisering
This minor is in Dutch.
Joost Batenburg about AI Leiden style: 3D images and ensuring AI belongs to everyone
Joost Batenburg is a mathematician and computer scientist who works to build bridges to other disciplines. He hopes to bring intelligent software to fields where it can make a difference. Conversely, he also seeks connections to the disciplines that are needed to make AI a success.
The future of AI is human
From self-driving cars to innovative drug development: artificial intelligence (AI) will fundamentally change our lives in many different ways. We study this technology at a deep and fundamental level. And we seek answers to questions about liability and privacy, for example. Our researchers from…
Griekse en Latijnse taal en cultuur
This programme video is presented in Dutch
Opgezogen, opgespoten en opgeraapt: Vuurstenen en hardstenen artefacten van de Zandmotor en hun sedimentaire context
Voor zowel archeologen, paleontologen en geologen als vrijwilligers in de archeologie en paleontologie is het geen verrassing meer dat op de stranden van de Nederlandse kust fraaie vondsten gedaan kunnen worden. Vele artikelen, boeken, tentoonstellingen, congressen, lezingen, ‘zoekdagen’, krantenberichten,…
Opening AI Lab in Humanities Hub Huizinga
Cybercrime en witwassen; Bitcoins, online dienstverleners en andere witwasmethoden bij banking malware en ransomware
With the growth of cybercrime in recent years, there is an urgency to gain insight into the money laundering process and the actors involved. This study focusses on the money laundering process and maps the actors involved in banking malware and ransomware.
Journalistiek en Nieuwe Media
Denk je erover om Journalistiek en Nieuwe Media te studeren? Leer meer over deze master en bekijk onderstaande introductievideo.
Staatsrecht en conventie in Nederland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk
On 2 September 2021, Gert Jan Geertjes defended his thesis 'Staatsrecht en conventie in Nederland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. L.F.M. Verhey and Prof. W.J.M. Voermans.
Techniques en philosophie
Many stimulating philosophical analyses have been written on contemporary technology; this book examines on the contrary how changes in contemporary technological environment have been reflected onto philosophy itself. The book shows how technological changes have marked a number of key concepts of…
Criminologie en Veiligheidsbeleid (MSc)
Are you thinking about studying Criminologie en Veiligheidsbeleid? Learn more and watch the videos. Please note that this programme is taught in Dutch.
Strafrecht en publieke opinie
On 3 November 2021, Lucas Noyon defended the thesis 'Strafrecht en publieke opinie'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. J.H. Crijns and Prof. J.W. de Keijser.
TAILOR - Trustworthy AI through the integration of learning
The quest for Trustworthy AI is high on both the political and the research agenda, and it actually constitutes TAILOR’s first research objective (H1) of developing the foundations for Trustworthy AI. It is concerned with designing and developing AI systems that incorporate the safeguards that make…
EU privacy and data protection law applied to AI
On 23 April, Andreas Häuselmann defended the thesis 'EU privacy and data protection law applied to AI: unveiling the legal problems for individuals'. The doctoral research was supervised by Gerrit-Jan Zwenne and Bart Custers.
- Boek, boekhandel en uitgeverij
- Internationaal en Intercultureel Management
- Theater en film
- Journalistiek en nieuwe media
Decoderen en interpreteren
A study into the use of strategies in listening to French news reports
‘Leiden could raise its profile as an AI expert’
‘In the field of AI, Leiden is still a relatively unseen university,’ says Thomas Dohmen. The brand-new Director AI Collaboration Center, would like to forge a Leiden AI collaboration network, with sustainable and impactful relationships between the university and civil society organisations. The question…
Representative Bureaucracy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
How and to what extent does AI affect citizen representation in public service delivery and state-citizen interactions?
Bestrijdingsmiddelen en waterkwaliteit (Dutch)
Dutch book about pesticides and waterquality
Europese productnormen en privaatrechtelijke normstelling
On 10 June 2020, Gitta Veldt defended her thesis 'Europese productnormen en privaatrechtelijke normstelling'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. H.J. Snijders.
Finding and valorizing new antibiotics using AI
Antibiotics are a class of medicine most people take for granted. But pathogenic bacteria are becoming more and more resistant to our antibiotics, and this poses a great challenge for future treatments. There is thus a great societal need to identify new molecules that can address new targets and be…
- Nederlandse taal en cultuur
Bart Custers: 'AI can predict rulings, but beware of Kafka'
The work of judges can also be done by AI systems. These systems can formulate an objective proposal for a ruling. But such proposal should always be checked by a judge, says Bart Custers.
Ewout Cornelissen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Franse taal en cultuur
This programme video is presented in Dutch
Film- en literatuurwetenschap
This programme video is presented in Dutch
Italiaanse taal en cultuur
This programme video is presented in Dutch