7 search results for “voorzitter cvb” in the Organisational structure
Service units
The Administration and Central Services department supports the Executive Board (CvB) in managing Leiden University. The service units performs tasks on behalf of administrative units (CvB, faculties). There are eight service units: Administrative Shared Service Centre (ASSC) ICT Shared Service…
Administration and Central Services
The Administration and Central Services department supports the Executive Board (CvB) in managing Leiden University. The department is also responsible for the policy and decision-making of the CvB. Responsibilities The Administration and Central Services department works closely with the faculties…
Statistics and Data Science (MSc)
Contacts for the master's programme Statistics and Data Science. General contacts Director of education Prof.dr. Saskia le Cessie Study Adviser dr. Garnet Akeyr Board of Examiners Dr. S.J.W. Willems (FSW) (chair) Dr. G. Gort (WUR) Dr. S.M. Kielbasa (LUMC) …
Media Technology (MSc)
Contacts for the master's programme Media Technology. General contacts Director of education Dr. M. van Leeuwen Education coordinator L.P.C. van Erp-van Genderen Study Adviser S.N. van der Valk
Programme Committee
Our programmes BSc Security Studies (BaSS) and MSc Crisis and Security Management (CSM) have a joint Programme Committee, composed for the half of students, and half of lecturers. The Education Committee monitors the quality of the programmes and advises the Programme Directors and the Dean on this…
Plexus Advisory Group
Plexus Student Centre is there for the needs of all students. The Plexus Advisory Group advises Plexus management during regular meetings. All manner of day to day issues are addressed, from smoking by the exit, to requests for subsidies (SOS) and facilities for student organisations. Both independent…
Psychology Board of Examiners
In accordance with Article 7.12 of the Higher Education and Research Act (WHW), the Board of Examiners of the Psychology degree programme is the body that establishes whether a student meets the conditions necessary for obtaining a degree. It is responsible for the quality of assessments and monitors…