8 search results for “european migration” in the Staff website
Mark Klaassen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Melanie Fink
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Migrants cost European governments less than their own citizens do
Migrants are far less of a burden on the budget of European countries than is often thought. This is the conclusion of research by economists from Leiden University.
Migrants cost European governments less than their own citizens do
Migrants are far less of a burden on the budget of European countries than is often thought. This is the conclusion of research by economists from Leiden University.
Imagine you’re Ilias from Turkey
In the confrontational ‘House of Misconceptions’, visitors put themselves in another person’s shoes and have to justify their existence. The performance is the result of a unique collaboration between the Liquid Society art collective and Professor of Law and Society Maartje van der Woude and her st…
Bombastic publications encouraged millions of Dutch people to emigrate
After the Second World War almost three million people emigrated from the Netherlands to countries such as Canada and Australia. The government information was anything but objective, Professor by Special Appointment of Dutch Studies/Dutch Literature Ton van Kalmthout concludes in his inaugural lect…
Podcast De Verbranders critical of European border and asylum procedures
The Dutch asylum application centre in Ter Apel is overburdened, an issue that is currently a prominent feature in the Dutch media. In podcast De Verbranders, PhD students Neske Baerwaldt and Wiebe Ruijtenberg engage in dialogue, and use different angles to examine themes related to migration, borders…
Volgens hoogleraar Sarah Wolff zijn EU-migratiedeals een slechte oplossing voor een niet bestaand probleem
Nu in heel Europa rechtse partijen hoog scoren in de peilingen is de verwachting dat de discussie omtrent migratie flink opgeschud gaat worden. Desondanks maant hoogleraar Sarah Wolff tot kalmte.