29 search results for “book history” in the Public website
FragmEndoscopy: Medieval fragments in early modern book spines
During the early modern period, many medieval manuscripts were cut up into strips of parchment which were reused to reinforce the bindings of newly printed books. Until recently, these reused pieces of medieval manuscripts only came to light when the early modern book binding was damaged and/or subjected…
The Modern Arabic Book: Design as Agent of Cultural Progress
Huda Abi-Fares defended her thesis on 10 January 2017.
Author, Reader, Book: Medieval Authorship in Theory and Practice
This collection brings into conversation several kinds of scholarship on medieval authorship which have tended to remain separate over the last two to three decades, a period of steadily increasing scholarly interest in this topic.
Paul Hoftijzer
Faculty of Humanities
Written Culture at Ter Duinen: Cistercian Monks and their Books, c.1140-c.1240
The physical features of twelfth-century manuscripts from the Flemish abbey of Ter Duinen – such as script, page layout, and reading aids – show how their readers organized, interpreted, and transmitted knowledge.
Righting and Rewriting History: Recovering and Analyzing Manuscript Archives Destroyed During World War II
Archives were a common target during the Second World War, and hundreds suffered damages. Among these archival losses, the losses to medieval manuscript collections stand out.
Turning over a new leaf: Manuscript innovation in the twelfth-century renaissance
How did the medieval manuscript develop as a physical object during the Twelfth Century Renaissance and what do these changes tell us about the intellectual culture of the period?
Marika Keblusek
Faculty of Humanities
Bram Caers
Faculty of Humanities
The Spirit of the Page: Books and Readers at the Abbey of Fécamp, c.1000-1200
This dissertation examines how Benedictine monks at the Abbey of Fécamp designed, produced, and read books over the course of the eleventh and twelfth centuries.
Adriaan van der Weel
Faculty of Humanities
Guide Dogs in Medieval Artistic and Textual Sources
It is often claimed—in both scholarly and popular sources—that guide dogs for the blind are a modern innovation. But as this project demonstrates clearly, guide dogs also existed during the medieval period.
Arabic book design: slow progression
Since the end of the nineteenth century Arabic book designers have influenced the social and cultural situation in the Middle East with their work. Huda Smitshuijzen Abi-Farès has written the first global overview of this neglected field of science. PhD defence 10 January.
Erik Kwakkel elected to Comité International de Paléographie Latine
On 18 June, 2015, Erik Kwakkel was elected to the Comité International de Paléographie Latine (CIPL), a scholarly committee that specialises in the study of the medieval book.
Rare medieval bookmark found in Leiden University Library
A rare medieval bookmark emerged in Leiden University Library. Book historian Erik Kwakkel found the disk in an archive of manuscript descriptions called the Bibliotheca Neerlandica Manuscripta. It was likely put their in the early twentieth century by Willem de Vreese, who made the descriptions. The…
Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference : Landscape in Perspective: Representing, Constructing, and Questioning Identities
The Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference was founded in 2013 to publish a selection of the best papers presented at the biennial LUCAS Graduate Conference, an international and interdisciplinary humanities conference organized by the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS). The…
Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference : Breaking the Rules: Textual Reflections on Transgression
The Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference was founded in 2013 to publish a selection of the best papers presented at the biennial LUCAS Graduate Conference, an international and interdisciplinary humanities conference organized by the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS). The…
Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference : Breaking the Rules: Textual Reflections on Transgression
The Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference was founded in 2013 to publish a selection of the best papers presented at the biennial LUCAS Graduate Conference, an international and interdisciplinary humanities conference organized by the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS). The…
Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference : Breaking the Rules: Textual Reflections on Transgression
The Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference was founded in 2013 to publish a selection of the best papers presented at the biennial LUCAS Graduate Conference, an international and interdisciplinary humanities conference organized by the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS). The…
The advent of Abrī: the first wave of paper marbling in the long 16th century (ca. 1496-1616CE)
On Thursday 21 November 2024 Jake Benson successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Pages of Prayer: The Ecosystem of Vernacular Prayer Books in the Late Medieval Low Countries, c. 1380-1550 [PRAYER]
This project investigates the full ecosystem of Middle Dutch prayerbooks in order to answer questions about their role in – and impact on – religion, culture, and society in the late medieval Low Countries.
Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference : Breaking the Rules: Textual Reflections on Transgression
The Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference was founded in 2013 to publish a selection of the best papers presented at the biennial LUCAS Graduate Conference, an international and interdisciplinary humanities conference organized by the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS). The…
Sign of approval by the Spanish Inquisition
Book historian Erik Kwakkel found an intriguing snippet of text earlier this week, that bears unexpected evidence of some of the problems encoutered by early printers: censorship and the affiliated fuss of seeking and printing Church approval.
Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference : Breaking the Rules: Textual Reflections on Transgression
The Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference was founded in 2013 to publish a selection of the best papers presented at the biennial LUCAS Graduate Conference, an international and interdisciplinary humanities conference organized by the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS). The…
Medieval waste matter found in Leiden University Library
Erik Kwakkel, researcher at the Faculty of Humanities, has found an extraordinary manuscript in the University Library’s extensive collection of medieval books. The book in question dates back to the first half of the eleventh century and is made entirely out of waste left over from the production of…
Leaving a Lasting Impression. The Impact of Incunabula on Late Medieval Spirituality, Religious Practice and Visual Culture in the Low Countries
This project investigates how the first generation of Dutch printed books (the incunabula, 1473-1501) affected late medieval spirituality, religious practice and visual culture in the Low Countries.
Introducing Sophia Hendrikx
Sophia Hendrikx started her PhD project at LUCAS in March 2015...
NWO reports on VIDI project Erik Kwakkel
In his VIDI project “Turning Over a New Leaf: Manuscript Innovation in the Twelfth-Century Renaissance” (2010-2015) Erik Kwakkel and his team studied how books and reading developed under influence of the Twelfth-Century Renaissance, a period in which Europe went through a variety of cultural and intellectual…
LUCDH Lunchtime Speaker Series: What Use are Networks Anyway?