604 search results for “nederlandse that en culture” in the Student website
Workshop CV en brief
Career and apply for jobs
Thesis and papers
When writing a thesis or paper you must make good use of the insights you have gained during your lectures and studies so far. You should also refer to relevant literature and carry out your own research on the topic.
Judith Naeff
Faculty of Humanities
Sara Brandellero
Faculty of Humanities
Verena Ly
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
KWF funding for research on culturally sensitive palliative care
The research project 'when patients don't want to know everything: guide and training for culturally sensitive information in palliative care' investigates how healthcare providers can offer inclusive palliative care.
‘New Rutte IV administrative culture will be difficult to create’
The Rutte IV cabinet is more or less complete. It includes more women than ever. For the first time ever, the Netherlands will have two ethnic minority ministers, and ministers without political experience but with plenty of professional expertise will also be making their debut. However, political…
Widespread cultural diffusion of knowledge started 400,000 years ago
Different groups of hominins probably learned from one another much earlier than was previously thought, and that knowledge was also distributed much further. A study by archaeologists at Leiden University on the use of fire shows that 400,000 years ago knowledge and skills must already have been exchanged…
Marcel Keurentjes
Faculty of Humanities
Reza Shaker Ardekani
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Dennis Braekmans
Faculteit Archeologie
Commitment (NL/EN)
Career and apply for jobs, Study support
Peter Liebregts
Faculty of Humanities
Olga van Marion
Faculty of Humanities
Müge Kinacioglu
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Leila Demarest
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Randal Sheppard
Faculty of Humanities
Felix Ameka
Faculty of Humanities
Natalia Donner
Faculty of Humanities
Elena Burgos Martinez
Faculty of Humanities
Keiko Yoshioka
Faculty of Humanities
Hoe laten we vaders minder werken en meer doen in het huishouden?
Gaan vaders minder werken als andere vaders dat ook doen? Helpt betaald ouderschapsverlof hen om meer op te pakken in het huishouden? Hoe bepalend zijn sociale normen voor verschillen op de arbeidsmarkt? Onderzoeker Max van Lent gaat het uitzoeken.
organiseert gastcollege staatssecretaris Van Rij over belastingrecht en duurzaamheid
Voormalig demissionair staatssecretaris van Fiscaliteit en Belastingdienst Marnix van Rij gaf op 17 juni in samenwerking met universitair docent Esther Huiskers-Stoop een gastcollege over belastingrecht en duurzaamheid. Deze lezing werd op initiatief van student Darya de Wilt georganiseerd.
Gedichten en gedachten: creatief Honours-vak A Taste of Leadership smaakt naar meer
What do you derive your self-esteem from? Not a question you would quickly expect in a course on leadership. Lecturer Michel Don Michaloliákos opted for a unique approach to 'A Taste of Leadership', an Honours course with introspection as its core theme.
Onderzoek naar de inzet van reviews na moord en doodslag in huiselijke kring
Huiselijk geweld is een ingrijpend probleem in Nederland, met jaarlijkse fatale gevolgen. De impact gaat verder dan alleen de slachtoffers zelf en raakt ook nabestaanden en de samenleving als geheel. Tot nu toe/Momenteel ontbreekt het echter aan een gestructureerde manier om fatale gevallen systematisch…
Faculty and study programme regulations
At faculty and study programme level there are various regulations in place to ensure that everything runs as it should. For example, there are thesis and faculty regulations, as well as rules and guidelines on assessments, exams, degree classifications and plagiarism.
(Vorsten)graven in brons- en ijzertijd
Compass on Purpose (NL/EN)
Career and apply for jobs, Study support
A dilemma: When and how to use the concept of “culture” in medical anthropological practice?
When and how to use the concept of “culture” . To medical anthropologists this is a core question, but also a challenging one.
From research to practice: Leiden researchers awarded European grant
Various Leiden researchers have been awarded a European grant to explore the commercial or societal potential of previous research.
Laurie Cosmo
Faculty of Humanities
Carel Smith
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
New members of the Cultural Anthropology Programme Committee
The new student members of the Programme Committee (OLC) are Pablo Pandocchi, Benjamin Maldonado, Emily Berube-Palsboll and Nico Lesenfants Ramos.
in action: Horizon grant for policy-oriented research on grassroots culture and democracy
Dr. Sara Brandellero and Dr. Kamila Krakowska Rodrigues from Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society will lead a collaborative research project funded by Horizon Europe Work Programme on Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society. #DemocracyinAction studies arts and culture-based grassroots…
Cultural contacts between ‘East’ and ‘West’ in the early Middle Ages
With the help of the JEDI fund, Fatima al Moufridji and Thijs Porck went in search of cultural contacts between early medieval England, Northern Africa, and the Middle East. Together they made four knowledge clips that can now be seen on YouTube.
ASCL Seminar: Waves of Memory in the Red Sea: Unpacking Mixedness through Italo-Eritrean Livescapes
Meet the new student Programme Committee members of Cultural Anthropology
Emily Gdula, Liselotta Jahnke, Jason Irwin and Josephine Hercules are the newly appointed student representatives on the Programme Committee (OLC). This committee provides advice to the Executive Board and the Faculty Board of CADS on various educational issues, including the development of Course and…
This is Emma, the new student ambassador Cultural Anthropology
Since the beginning of September, Emma van der Plas (20) is the new student ambassador for CADS. Emma is a third-year student and is currently following a minor in Sustainable Development in Leiden. Her goal? To eliminate the stigmas surrounding anthropology. "When I tell people I'm studying anthropology,…
- CADS Research Seminars
A semester abroad: 'Locals help you experience the culture as it really is.'
And there you are. A couple of suitcases with you, in a new (unknown) country. You've arranged a room in advance. You know which university you're attending. But other than that ... Evert-Jan, master's student in Encyclopaedia and Philosophy of Law, studied at the Université Paris Panthéon-Assas in…
Rolf Bremmer
Faculty of Humanities
Diederik Smit
Faculty of Humanities
Maarten Jansen
Faculteit Archeologie
Wouter van Beek
Bareez Majid
Faculty of Humanities
M. Revello Lami-
Faculteit Archeologie
Liesbeth Minnaard
Faculty of Humanities
Gerlov van Engelenhoven
Faculty of Humanities
Onzekerheid opzoeken - risicogedrag in pubers en zebravissen
The Popular Culture of Illegality: Santa Muerte and Narco Cultus in Mexico
NWO has granted a 4-year subsidy to the project The Popular Culture of Illegality, ellaborated in collaboration between the University of Amsterdam, University Utrecht and Leiden University. This research focuses on the esthetic representations and practices in visual, musical and symbolical forms of…