3,073 search results for “ancient history and archaeology” in the Public website
A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey: A History in a Hundred Fragments
As a critical commemoration of its centenary, this book presents a mosaic of one hundred carefully curated fragments by expert authors, shedding light on politics, economy, society, culture, gender, and arts in a hundred years of Turkey.
Legal History
Historical evolution law
Kolonie, Kontakt, Kultur
Eine Analyse materieller Kultur römischer Kolonien in der Mikroregion von Suessa Aurunca, Minturnae und Sinuessa
Histories Connected
Histories Connected seeks to explore social, cultural, and political issues that connect people of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, the Americas, and Europe throughout different periods of time.
Carolien van Zoest
Faculty of Humanities
History Painting
Rembrandt experts have been puzzling over this painting from 1626 for years. The work may have been commissioned by someone from University circles and may depict a judgment. It can be seen at Gravensteen, a building that served as a prison between 1463 and 1955. This historical building later became…
Still learning from the Ancient Greeks
There are still things we can learn from the Ancient Greeks. How they managed to make sure that innovations were accepted, for example. A group of classics scholars, led by Leiden, will be carrying out research on this question funded by the largest ever NWO subsidy.
A timeless vale
Archaeological and related essays on the Jordan Valley in honour of Gerrit van der Kooij on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday
Barbarism: History of a fundamental European concept and its literary manifestations from the 18th century to the present
This collaborative project aims to explore the history of the concept “barbarism” in Europe from the 18th century to the present, with a particular emphasis on the role of literature and art in the concept’s shifting functions.
The Economy of Pompeii
This volume presents fourteen papers by Roman archaeologists and historians discussing approaches to the economic history of Pompeii, and the role of the Pompeian evidence in debates about the Roman economy.
Invisible Landscapes: Colonialism and history in Montecristi
Archaeologist Eduardo Herrera Malatesta reflects on the unfamiliarity with the pre-Columbian past that he encountered during fieldwork in the Montecristi province in the Dominican Republic.
Arie Boomert
Gelieerde instellingen
Mapping the Ocean: Georeferencing Maritime History
Maps play a crucial role in our view of the past, yet few historians are sufficiently skilled in cartography to genuinely integrate maps into their research. This project breaks down the long-standing barriers between history and cartography by inviting emerging scholars (ResMA) to reflect on maps as…
The impact of Rome on cult places and religious practices in ancient Italy, BICS Supplement 132, London 2015
This publication of the School of Advanced Study of the University of London is one of the outcomes of the Landscapes of Early Roman Colonization project and the Colonial Rural Networks project (NWO, Dr. T.D. Stek). The volume, edited by Tesse Stek and prof. Gert-Jan Burgers of the Free University Amsterdam,…
Dennie Oude Nijhuis
Faculty of Humanities
Scheurrak SO1 in the Maritime-Cultural Landscape
This project combines and reconsiders all the available evidence of the Scheurrak SO1, and use new archival databases and modern archaeological techniques to shed new light on the material culture of the Baltic grain trade and the Holland shipbuilding industry at the turn of the sixteenth century.
Jason Laffoon
Faculteit Archeologie
Marion Pluskota
Faculty of Humanities
Brimstone, sea and sand
The historical archaeology of the Port of Sandy Point and its anchorage, St. Kitts, West Indies
Vincent Kolodziejak
Faculteit Archeologie
Persia and Babylonia: Creating a New Context for Understanding the Emergence of the First World Empire
The Persian Empire (539-330 BCE) was the first world empire in history. At its height, it united a territory stretching from present-day India to Libya - and it would take 2,000 years before significantly larger empires emerged in early modern Eurasia. This territorial sweep is both a source of fascination…
Our history
As an educational and research institution Leiden University is seeking to understand its own relationship with the colonial and slavery past.
Helen Steele
Faculty of Humanities
Jeroen Touwen
Faculty of Humanities
Anita van Dissel
Faculty of Humanities
Marcel Keurentjes
Faculty of Humanities
coronation ritual of the falcon at Edfu : tradition and innovation in ancient Egyptian ritual composition
Carina van den Hoven defended her thesis on 16 February 2017.
Local Voices, Global Debates: The Uses of Archaeological Heritage in the Caribbean
What is the role of local Caribbean individuals and communities in creating and perpetuating archaeological heritage? How has archaeological knowledge been integrated into education plans in different countries?
MAPHSA - Mapping the Archaeological Pre-Columbian Heritage in South America
The archaeological heritage of South America is facing increasing threats due to the expansion of agricultural activities, infrastructure expansion, illegal wood harvesting, and the current fire emergency plaguing the Amazon and other biomes of the continent.
The use of Deep Learning in the automated detection of archaeological objects in remotely sensed data
Generally the data from remote sensing surveys - the scanning of the earth by satellite or aircraft in order to obtain information about it - is screened manually in archaeology. However, constant monitoring of the earth's surface causes a huge influx of data of high complexity and high quality. To…
Sweet Tooth | Zoetekauw
The journey of sugar from east to west
Marcella Schute
Faculty of Humanities
Marike van Aerde
Faculteit Archeologie
The Social History of Labor in the Iranian Oil Industry
This dissertation studies the formation of the wage laboring class in the Iranian oil industry during the first decades of the 20th century.
Unravelling East Africa’s Early Linguistic History (LHEAf)
This project investigates the rich linguistic history of the crucial language groups in East Africa and includes a search for words that indicate earlier lost languages. These outcomes, combined with recent archaeological and genetic research, will contribute to a new understanding of East Africa’s…
Managing our past into the future: Archaeological heritage management in the Dutch Caribbean
Caribbean archaeological heritage is threatened by natural impacts but also increasingly by economic developments, often resulting from the tourist industry. The continuous construction of specific projects for tourists, accompanied by illegal practices such as looting and sand mining, have major impacts…
Moving Romans. Migration to Rome in the Principate.
Moving Romans offers an analysis of Roman migration by applying general insights, models and theories from the field of migration history.
Medieval and Early Modern History: Europe in its Global Context
Leiden’s Institute for History has an exceptionally strong expertise in premodern European history in its global context, with specialists whose interests cover virtually the whole continent. We have a strong track record in leading larger research teams and work together with colleagues across Europe…
Marlisa den Hartog
Faculty of Humanities
Handbook for the Analysis of Micro-Particles in Archaeological Samples
This handbook provides a resource for those already familiar with some kinds of micro-particles who wish to learn more about others, or for those just starting out in the study of microremains who wish to have a broad understanding about microscopic archaeology.
The Unification of the Mediterranean World 400 BC - 400 AD
The Leiden Ancient History specialization concentrates on the study of the economies, societies and cultures of the large empires of the Graeco-Roman world, starting with the empires of Alexander the Great and his successors. The appearance of these empires led to the development of an interaction network…
Sunken History
PhD defence
Islamic Thought and History
Islamic Thought in History (ITH) is a peer-reviewed book series that publishes new approaches to Islamic thought and the history of ideas in the Islamic civilisation.
Colonial and Global History
Colonial and Global History combines a deep curiosity of transcultural processes such as imperialism, (de)colonization, and globalization with critical historical research on regional societies in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.
Alex Brandsen: 'Archaeological search engine adds a new dimension to ‘digging’'
Apps that can precisely identify shards, coins or heel bones: archaeology has embraced artificial intelligence. Alex Brandsen is working on a search engine that scans vast quantities of text from an archaeological viewpoint.
Globalising Migration History. The Eurasian Experience (16th-21st centuries) | Studies in Global Migration History, Volume: 15/3
This volume edited by Jan Lucassen and Leo Lucassen aims to quantify and qualify cross-cultural global migrations and was published in the series 'Studies in Global Migration History'.
Scholarly Vices: A Longue Durée History
This project tries to explain the persistence of this cultural repertoire by zooming in on (1) interaction between idioms (cultural repertoires) available to scholars at certain points in time, (2) mechanisms that help transmit repertoires across time and place, and (3) rhetorical purposes for which…
Contact the Leiden University Institute for History.
Art History (BA)
Troughout the ages, art has always had a large impact, from the first cave drawings until modern art forms. In the Bachelor's programme Art History at Leiden University you will not just get to know art from the Netherlands and Europe, but also from North-America, Asia and Africa. Study art from the…
Christine Mertens
Faculty of Humanities