2,053 search results for “management van de publieke sector” in the Staff website
Wat gaat goed en wat kan beter bij de uitvoering van de Wet open overheid?
Wim Voermans en Annemarie Drahmann namen op 13 februari deel aan het Rondetafelgesprek van de commissie Binnenlandse Zaken over de uitvoering van de Wet open overheid. De kernvraag van de bijeenkomst was de vraag 'Wat gaat goed en wat kan beter bij de uitvoering van de Wet open overheid?'
- Ellen van Reuler: 'Introduce student-led sessions in small-group teaching'
Leiden Leadership Lunch: State of the Art Crisis Management: Implications for Leadership
What lessons can public leaders draw from crisis management? In the second Leiden Leadership Lunch in our series on ‘Leadership opportunities in times of crisis’ Dr. Jaap van Lakerveld and Dr. Jeroen Wolbers – experts in the field of crisis management – shared their insights from the recently published…
‘Grassroots projects can help democracy’
Democracy is under pressure all over the world. With the #DemocracyinAction project, university lecturers Sara Brandellero and Kamila Krakowska Rodrigues want to investigate how grassroots art projects manage to keep democracy alive.
Workshop: Stakeholder alignment and management in public-private partnerships, applied in the health sector
Subsidie voor onderzoek naar de invloed van experts
Johan Christensen, universitair docent bij het Instituut Bestuurskunde, heeft 1,2 miljoen euro subsidie gekregen van de Research Council of Norway. Christensen is co-leider van een project genaamd INFLUEX dat de invloed van experts gaat onderzoeken. Naast Christensen maakt ook Valérie Pattyn van het…
Bepaalt de EU echt 80% van onze wetten?
Tijdens de campagnes voor de Europese Verkiezingen werd beweerd dat 70 of zelfs 80 procent van onze wetten door de EU worden bepaald. Maar klopt dit wel? Hoogleraren Armin Cuyvers en Kutsal Yesilkagit spraken erover met Pointer.
Peter van Bodegom on sustainable horticulture
Dutch greenhouse horticulture is a world leader when it comes to innovative capacity and sustainability, but ‘the challenges are great in terms of energy, water, environment and biodiversity,’ says Peter van Bodegom, coordinator of AgriFood at the Centre for Sustainability of the Leiden, Delft, Erasmus…
Nicole van Os wins Academy Kiss
Nicole van Os won the Academy Kiss 2022. Van Os, study coordinator and advisor who also chairs the Delegation of Workers' Organizations in The Local Consultations of the AOb teaching union, won the award because of her commitment to the cause of giving language teachers permanent contracts, over hiring…
Sjef Barbiers new Managing Director of INT
Professor Sjef Barbiers will be appointed Managing Director of the Institute for the Dutch Language (INT) with effect from 1 September 2025. He will step down as scientific director of LUCL as of that date.
Nieuw onderzoek naar het effect van gesprekken met je ‘ik’ uit de toekomst
Wat als je advies zou kunnen krijgen van je toekomstige zelf? Jean-Louis van Gelder en zijn collega’s ontvangen een ERC Proof of Concept-beurs voor het project YourFutureU, waarin deelnemers gecoacht worden door een virtuele AI-versie hun toekomstige ‘ik’.
Pressure on River Management Leads to more Frequent Flooding
In his new book 'Flooding and Management of Large Fluvial Lowlands', Paul Hudson Associate Professor of Physical Geography at Leiden University College in The Hague, examines human impacts on lowlands rivers. The past twenty years the pressure on large fluvial lowlands has increased tremendously because…
Hepke Bos
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Roel Bekker
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Alumni panel Crisis and Security Management: ‘Pursue a career you are truly passionate about’
On Thursday 19 October, the Crisis and Security Management programme welcomed back six alumni for an alumni panel.
Joery Matthys
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Project managers available for externally funded research projects
KNAW Early Career Award for Alisa van de Haar: ‘I want to take a more positive approach to migration and multilingualism’
Alisa van de Haar is one of three humanities scholars to win a KNAW Early Career Award this year. The university lecturer of Ancient French Literature is receiving the award for her innovative research on multilingualism and migration. 'It would be nice to use this to set up a project with students.…
Maartje van der Woude included in Leiden Top50
Maartje van der Woude, Professor of Law and Society, has been included in the Leiden Top50 of 2022. The list includes women who stand out because they make a difference in the city. The Top50 was announced on 8 March, International Women’s Day.
Master Students MPS Hold up Mirrors in front of Managers during Shadow Week
How do you bring education and practice closer together? In the revised Master MPS (Management of the Public Sector) it is done, for example, through the new profile course Leadership & Behaviour inside and between organisations. The Leiden Leadership Centre (LLC) is involved in organising the course.…
Survey on social and technical aspects of research data management
Dear colleagues, On request of Sebastian Feger (Ludwig-Maximilians University, München) we would like to ask you to fill in this survey on data management across junior and senior scientists: https://survey.uu.nl/jfe/form/SV_5mU7daIIUef6awd?Agri=NO&Sc=1. The survey has been set up by him and Pawel…
Nico Schrijver
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Develop your management skills with the Leadership Courses
Working together, taking responsibility, making connections or pushing boundaries: all competences that are essential for leadership. With HRM Learning & Development's range of training courses, you can grow these competences and develop into a manager. Two colleagues talk about their experiences.
Onderzoek naar de inzet van reviews na moord en doodslag in huiselijke kring
Huiselijk geweld is een ingrijpend probleem in Nederland, met jaarlijkse fatale gevolgen. De impact gaat verder dan alleen de slachtoffers zelf en raakt ook nabestaanden en de samenleving als geheel. Tot nu toe/Momenteel ontbreekt het echter aan een gestructureerde manier om fatale gevallen systematisch…
Terugblik: De impact van Meijers is na 70 jaar nog steeds voelbaar
In een goedgevuld Teldersauditorium vond op maandag 24 juni het symposium ‘Het Erfgoed van Meijers: 70 jaar waardering en inspiratie’ plaats. Vanuit verschillende perspectieven werd gereflecteerd op de omvangrijke nalatenschap van de Leidse hoogleraar Eduard Maurits Meijers, die precies zeventig jaar…
Launch of new master’s programmes and specialisations at Leiden Law School
With the introduction of three new master’s programmes in 2025/2026, the range of programmes offered by Leiden Law School will be even broader and more varied. The new degree programmes focus on economics, law and business administration, and law and migration.
‘Management is something you never stop learning about’
How do you best conduct a P&D interview? How do you deal with sick employees? In the online Management module, we have bundled answers to these questions and more. Dean Mark Rutgers and HR Advisor Brigitte Heming talk about the importance of the new module and how it will help to monitor work balanc…
De nieuwste onderzoeken in kaart op de publieksdag Brein & Recht
How does our brain interpret traces of evidence? Can someone who is suffering from brain damage be held accountable for criminal offences? And should it be possible to adjust a criminal’s behaviour with deep brain stimulation? These questions were addressed during the Public Scientific Day Brein & Recht…
Pim Overgaauw appointed Institute manager of the Mathematical Institute
As of 1 September, Pim Overgaauw is appointed as Institute Manager of the Mathematical Institute. The job is not new to him, as he has been ad interim institute manager since March 2022. For now, Overgaauw will be working for the MI three days a week, but it is expected that this can be extended to…
New management model Faculty of Science starting 1 July
After nearly a year-long process, the new collegial institute boards within our faculty's institutes are ready to begin. This marks the implementation of a new, modern, and contemporary way of management. Nearly all roles within the institute boards have been filled, with recruitment for some positions…
LastPass password manager hacked: change all your passwords
Maureen Rutten - van Mölken: 'Investeren in innovaties die de meeste gezondheidswinst opleveren'
Digitale medische technologie kan een belangrijke bijdrage leveren aan betaalbare zorg en het oplossen van het tekort aan zorgpersoneel. Maar hoe weet je of een innovatie daadwerkelijk waarde toevoegt aan het zorgsysteem?
Please report damaged windows to the facility manager
Ready for Quantum?! (in Dutch)
Lecture, NGL-lezing
The Netherlands and China work together to improve their wastewater management
Netherlands and China can learn from each other to handle household and livestock wastewater more sensibly. In the FOREWARD project, scientists from Leiden, Wageningen, and China are working together with local partners on feasible solutions that advance the environment, health, and economy.
Caroline Hagedoorn returns to Archaeology as Management Assistant
Joanne van der Leun appointed as Academic Lead International Affairs
The Executive Board is delighted to announce that Joanne van der Leun took up the position of the university’s Academic Lead International Affairs as of 1 January 2025.
Laura van de Plas: ‘We want to show that we’re a community that cares for each other’
Laura van der Plas has been Wellbeing Officer for the Campus Den Haag since the end of 2021. By means of various projects, she makes sure that more attention is given to student wellbeing. How are things going so far? And what are these projects exactly? Laura talked to us to give us an update.
Een permanent burgerberaad, de missing link in de Nederlandse politiek
Landen om ons heen laten zien: als burgers mogen meedenken, komt er beweging in vastgelopen politieke discussies. Zou een dergelijke derde kamer ook de oplossing kunnen zijn voor Nederland, waar samenleving en overheid elkaar steeds verder uit het oog lijken te verliezen?
Introducing: Sara de Wit
Sara de Wit has recently joined the Institute for History as an Assistant Professor in African Studies and will work on a new interdisciplinary research project to develop a humanities approach on Digital Health in Africa. Below, she introduces herself.
- Cinquecento Medusae (500 kwallen )van kunstenaar Rosanna Baledda,
Els de Busser receives NWO-funding for project in solving cyber security issues
Dr. Els de Busser, assistant professor and researcher at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, as principal investigator of a consortia, has been awarded 1.45 million euros for a project called C-SIDe.
Olaf van Vliet in AD on the impact of new technology on jobs
Technological developments never stop. Machines can already perform many tasks and in the future they will probably take over even more of the work we do. Which jobs could disappear and which will remain in the future? Olaf van Vliet, Professor of Economics at Leiden Law School, commented on these issues…
As an organisation, how do you manage a crisis?
How do you manage a crisis? This is what Professor of Crisis Governance Sanneke Kuipers will address in her inaugural lecture.
European Commission selects IIASL to study Space Traffic Management
The European Commission has selected a consortium of major European launcher and satellite manufacturers, operators and service providers, as well as policy and legal research centres and institutes to study and provide guidelines and recommendations on Space Traffic Management (STM). The IIASL of Leiden…
Jaap-Willem Mink
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Archaeological Project Sheds Light on Ancient Water Management in Udhruh
In 2011, the Udhruh Archaeological Project was launched, bringing together teams of Jordanian and Dutch archaeologists to investigate the region and reconstruct ancient water harvesting techniques in the extremely arid landscape of Udhruh. Access to fresh water remains one of the most pressing global…
Introducing: Floris de Ruiter
Floris de Ruiter recently joined the Institute for History as a PhD candidate, as part of Carolien Stolte's VIDI project 'Peace Palms. International Coalitions for Peace in the Era of Decolonization, 1918-1970'. The project runs alongside Carolien Stolte's ERC project 'Reconciling Peace: International…
Vici grant for Anouk de Koning for research on Prototyping Welfare in Europe
Leiden's cultural anthropologist Anouk de Koning is receiving a Vici research grant for her project ‘Prototyping Welfare in Europe: Experiments in State and Society’ to study welfare experiments in four countries and to examine what they tell us about the futures of European welfare states.
In Memoriam: Emma de Rijke
It is with the greatest sadness that we have learned of the unexpected passing of Emma de Rijke. Emma was a student in the MA Asian Studies, having finished the BA China Studies just before she enrolled in the MA program in February 2024.