32 search results for “johan” in the Organisational structure
Johan Sjoerdsma
Universitair Facilitair Bedrijf
Johan Bakker
Johan Smit
Universitair Facilitair Bedrijf
Johan Falkenburg
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Johan Post
ICT Shared Service Centre
Johan Konter
Johan Souman
Johan Visser
Faculty of Humanities
Johan Verweij
Faculteit Archeologie
Johan Vazel
ICT Shared Service Centre
Johan Detollenaere
Johan Bosman
Johan Hollander
Johan Jol
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Johan Kuiper
Johan Memelink
Johan Christensen
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Johan Rooryck
Faculty of Humanities
Johan Jukema
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Johan van Kuilenburg
Johan de Jong
Faculty of Humanities
Johan ter Haar
Faculty of Humanities
Johan den Dunnen
Faculteit Geneeskunde
Johan de Fijter
Faculteit Geneeskunde
The Faculty Board is responsible for the general management of the Faculty, as well as the administration and organization of the Faculty's teaching and research. The Faculty Board consists of four staff members, and one student assessor. They are supported by a Board Secretary.
Management support and secretaries
The Board Secretary supports the Faculty Board with preparation, minuting, and processing of all board meetings. In addition, the Board Secretary advises the Faculty Board on both policy content as well as procedures. The secretariat provides support to the Faculty Departments, the Departmental…
Career Committee
The Faculty of Archaeology has a Faculty Career Committee. At the request of the Faculty Board or Department Chairs, this committee advises on promotion and appointment requests.
Committee on Teaching
The standing Committee on Teaching advises the Faculty Board – on request or on its own initiative – about all aspects of the Faculty’s education policy. It also fulfils the role of Department Teaching Committee for the core curriculum courses: it analyses the student evaluations and provides the Faculty…
Tahmina Fariaby
Errol Boon
Faculty of Humanities
Maaike de Jong
Roosje Peeters
Faculty of Humanities