3,579 search results for “living” in the Public website
Living (World) Heritage Cities
Opportunities, challenges, and future perspectives of people-centered approaches in dynamic historic urban landscapes
Living Lab Vrouwe Vennepolder
The 'living lab' Vrouwe Vennepolder is situated just north of Leiden, The Netherlands, and aims to find ways to improve the agriculture of the future.
Living Botany research group
Besides the Hortus being a beautiful place where visitors can relax and learn more about plants, we also facilitate botanical research. At the botanic garden, our ‘Living Botany’ research group investigates (plant) biodiversity and the relationship between plants and people.
The Living Lab, Schouwburgstraat
A large, 64+ person space with multiple working zones in the Schouwburgstraat building, Den Haag. Tables fold and wheel, and chairs are also on wheels. There are multiple movable whiteboards which allow group working in various sizes. Windows and tables are additional writing surfaces. There is also…
A Living Landscape
Bronze Age settlement sites in the Dutch river area (c. 2000-800 BC)
Living at AvB
At LUC, we lovingly call our building 'AvB', after the square Anna van Bueren on which we are located. DUWO is LUC's housing partner. They will be in charge of your housing contracts and studio apartments. You can find important information below regarding moving in and contracts.
Fighting for a Living
Which circumstances have determined the transition to, or the dominance of, a particular type of military employment in different societies at different times?
Everyday Lived Islam in Europe
This book offers a new direction for the study of contemporary Islam by focusing on what being Muslim means in people’s everyday lives.
Living labs and citizen science
Living labs make it possible for citizens to participate in research for sustainable development of their environment. This way citizens, together with scientists and stakeholders, create local conditions for food production, healthy environment, and biodiversity.
Research at the Living Lab
What is the effect of pesticides, fertilizers or plastic on water quality? And how do wind and rain affect the data? These are just some of the things that Leiden environmental scientists study in the 32 ditches of the Living Lab.
Let us Live as Hindus
Priya Swamy defended her thesis on 27 October 2016
The Van Manen Collection: Locating Literature, Lived Religion, and Lives in the Himalayas
ERC Starting Grant: The Van Manen Project. This five year project (2023-2028) is made possible with an ERC Starting Grant. It aims to (digitally) reunite all parts of the Van Manen Collection. This enables us to study it as a whole, helping us to understand the process of collection formation. More…
Single gold nanorods in live cells
Visualization of biomolecules in living cells by tagging with gold nanoparticles.
Still Lives: Jewish Photography in Nazi Germany
How German Jews used photographs to document their experiences in the face of National Socialism.
The League Against Imperialism: Lives and Afterlives
The League Against Imperialism: Lives and Afterlives explores the dramatic and engaging story of a global institution that brought together activists across geographical and political borders for the goal of eradicating colonial rule worldwide.
Short stay living space in development
Leiden University is developing new short stay living space for foreign guests and employees. De Kloksteeg is currently the last of four projects that has been renovated by the Leiden University Real Estate directorate since 2017. The Service Centre International Staff (SCIS) is responsible for rental…
Studying and living in The Hague
The Hague is a real student city and has everything you’ll need to turn your time as a student into the time of your life.
The Secret Lives of Art Works
The Secret Life of Art Works. Exploring the Boundaries between Art and Life is the first collection of essays to present case studies from the visual arts, architecture, sculpture and numismatics, and to engage critically with theoretical perspectives from art history, psychology, aesthetics and ant…
Transmission electron microscopy on live catalysts
The dissertation describes TEM experiments on heterogeneous catalysts.
Perspectives on Lived Religion Practices Transmission Landscape
Religion in the ancient world, and ancient Egyptian religion in particular, is often perceived as static, hierarchically organised, and centred on priests, tombs, and temples. Engagement with archaeological and textual evidence dispels these beguiling if superficial narratives, however. Individuals…
An introduction to Performance art (live art)
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
Houses for the living and the dead
Organisation of settlement space and residence rules among the Taino, the indigenous people of the Caribbean encountered by Columbus
Live blog as genre in pursuit of credibility
On the 3rd of April, Sebastiaan van der Lubben successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Sebastiaan on this achievement!
Art, Agency, and Living Presence in Early Modern Italy
This programme adopts a new approach based on the paradoxical nature of these responses in early modern Italy: it draws on rhetorical discussions of lifelikeness and living presence, and it uses the anthropological theory of art as agency developed by Alfred Gell.
The Lives Of Cold War Afro-Asianism
The Afro-Asianism of the early Cold War has long remained buried under the narrative of Bandung, homogenising and subverting the different visions of post-colonial worldmaking that co-existed alongside the Bandung project.
The Nandimitrāvadāna: A Living Text from the Buddhist Tradition
Ruixuan Chen defended his theses on 16 October 2018.
A Disobedient Diaspora: Living Hinduism in Osdorp, Amsterdam
This project explores the religious lives of a Surinamese Hindu community practicing in Amsterdam at the Sri Radha Krishna Mandir from an interdisciplinary perspective.
- International Studies Live Webinars and Q&A's
Patterns of Living in Southern Africa, 1780s to the present
Southern Africa has a rich tradition of social history, one inspired by the tumultuous changes that have regularly convulsed the region from the 1780s onwards. Scholars have always sought to understand what these changes meant for everyday life and emphasised a perspective of marginal groups, how these…
We all BENEFIT: The Ecosystem for Healthy Living
The modification of risk factors and related health behaviors lies at the very core of adequate cardiovascular risk management, yet evidence shows that the majority of people with cardiovascular disease (CVD) fail to achieve a healthy lifestyle in the long term. The main objective of this project is…
Gell's theory of art as agency and living presence response
Subproject of
Quantitative live cell imaging of glucocorticoid receptor dynamics in the nucleus
In this thesis, the focus lies on studying glucocorticoid receptor dynamics in living cells with the aim of understanding how this transcription factor finds its DNA target sites to regulate transcription.
Living and working in Leiden and The Hague - working at Leiden University
Leiden University has locations in both Leiden and The Hague.
Enargeia, Living Presence and Persuasion in Roman Rhetoric, Literature, Visual Art and Theatre
Subproject of
Living on the Other Side: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Migration and Family Law in Morocco
What are the rights of migrants in Morocco and how do this receiving state and migrants deal with them in practice?
Valuing lives and deaths: an ethnography of life insurance amongst African Americans in New Orleans
Part of ‘Moralising Misfortune: A comparative anthropology of commercial insurance’, an ERC Consolidator project of Erik Bähre.
Destination Syria: An Exploratory Study into the Daily Lives of Dutch 'Syria Travellers'
What does the daily life of those who travelled to Syria to join jihadist groups look like? Destination Syria, a new ISGA report, provides answers to this question
Search of the Japanese Family: Modernity, Social Change, and Women's Lives in Contemporary Japan
This book project explores the changing dynamics of marriage and family life in postwar Japan based on an examination of the life histories of single mothers.
Living and dying on the Roman Frontier and beyond (LIMES XXV volume 3)
Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 3
Plan B for particle physics: finding long lived particles at CERN
This thesis discusses the discovery potential of Intensity Frontier experiments.
Living (Il)legalities in Brazil: : Practices, Narratives and Institutions in a Country on the Edge
This book considers the porous relationship between legality and illegality in Brazil, a country that presages political and societal changes in hitherto unprecedented dimensions.
Marie Guilleray-Guénanff
Faculty of Humanities
Living in an emporium: An isotopic investigation of diet and mobility in early medieval Dorestad (Netherlands)
The aim of the project is two-fold: first, to further scholarly understanding of the human dynamics that shaped the growth of Dorestad in a broader, international context; and second, to test the potential of multi-isotopic analyses on an early medieval Dutch assemblage.
The SMILE study: Sleep Mood lntervention: Live Effectively a group intervention in students with sleep problems
Can SMILE, our multi-component intervention, which combines cognitive-behavioural therapy for insomnia, mindfulness, stress, and lifestyle components, improve sleep quality? Can it also improve mood and quality of life and prevent depression and anxiety in the long term?
Live presentation Farmacie at the Master's Online Open Days, 5 October 2023
link between television consumption and the attitudes toward people living with HIV/AIDS in Chile
We analyse the link between media consumption and the attitudes toward people living with HIV/AIDS in Chile. We used data from a sample of 1000 people, obtained in the 2011 wave of the World Values Survey (WVS). We use a logistic binary regression model by maximum likelihood. Our results suggest that…
Analogy, Technical Reason, and Living Beings: The Role of Analogy in Representing Kant's Concept of Naturzweck
This dissertation concerns the role of analogy in Kant’s “Critique of the Teleological Power of Judgment”, especially the role of analogy for the formation of the concept of a natural end (Naturzweck). A ‘natural end’ is a ‘regulative concept’ of the reflective power of judgment, that is, a heuristic…
Searching for the concrete subject: On the epistemic role of lived-experience in Paul Natorp's critical epistemology
The following dissertation reconstructs Paul Natorp's philosophical psychology. It argues that psychology's main object is the lived experience of concrete subjects, understood as a transcendental structure of logical-reflexive conditions for the recognition, appropriation, and evaluation of objective…
Living legacies: Influence of plant-mediated changes in soil communities on aboveground plant-insect interactions
We examine how soil-derived legacy effects of plants structure natural ecosystems, determine aboveground plant insect interactions, and how we can use soil legacy effects to restore degraded ecosystems.
Cultural Representations of Living Nature: Dynamics of Intermedial Recording in Text and Image (ca. 1550-1670)
This project investigates the transposition of natural historical material, knowledge and vision, between different media (collection, scientific drawing, academic texts, the visual arts and/or literature) – a transmission that happens in the borderline between the traditional, emblematic worldview…