8 search results for “usis” in the Organisational structure
Functional Application Management Department
The Functional Application Management Department is responsible for managing all educational support systems used by the university, for example uSis, e-Prospectus, Brightspace, oIEM and Studielink. This entails ensuring that system users (i.e. students, administrators, study advisors, teachers etc)…
Administrative processes and systems
De afdeling Functioneel beheer van de faculteit Geesteswetenschappen, Universiteit Leiden, is technisch verantwoordelijk voor de onderwijssystemen die binnen de faculteit worden gebruikt.
Functional Management ATIE is responsible for supporting student application, admission and exchange processes. Applications that fall under the management of Team ATIE Student information system uSis Basic Register for Higher Education BRON HO National application system Studielink Contact For…
Educational Service Centre
The Educational Service Centre (OSC) of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs oversees the student and course administration and the faculty-level support for all educational administration and content systems at our faculty. The OSC is also responsible for organising all education-related…
Team FB O&S
Functional Management Team O&S is responsible for supporting educational planning, scheduling, enrollment, study guidance, result processing and certification processes. Applications that full under the management of Team FB O&S Student app The Leiden University app Prospectus Studiegids…
Board of Examiners
The Board of Examiners of the Institute of Political Science has been legally appointed to organise and coordinate examinations. Its main powers are described in the programme’s Course & Examination Regulations (CER), as well as its own Rules and Regulations.
Science Education and Student Office (SOSZ)
The Science Education and Student Office supports and facilitates the educational organisation of the Faculty of Science and is responsible for all the supporting processes needed to organise the education provided by the faculty. This involves providing services to more than 6.000 students in 10 bachelor's…
Psychology Board of Examiners
In accordance with Article 7.12 of the Higher Education and Research Act (WHW), the Board of Examiners of the Psychology degree programme is the body that establishes whether a student meets the conditions necessary for obtaining a degree. It is responsible for the quality of assessments and monitors…