29 search results for “hybrid driven” in the Library website
Lennard Froma
Raoel Nanhekhan
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Daniel Zumel Gete
Ben Wielstra
Stefano Merciai
Kat Stewart
Kaveh Lahabi
Rosalie Hagenaars
Verena Ly
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Yingjie Fan
Niki van Stein
Subject librarians and Medical Information specialists employ general criteria when evaluating titles to be added or removed from the collections, some criteria having greater or lesser importance depending on subject area.
Quinten Meertens
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Lars Jeuken
Open Access checklist
Open Access provides free online availability of research output without restrictions. Open Access increases the visibility of a publication enormously. The Executive Board has decided that Leiden University will endorse Open Access.
Acceleration of Open Access
The Dutch universities are pleased with the announcement by the international group of research funding bodies (Science Europe) and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) that, from 2020, all publications resulting from projects funded by the affiliated bodies will be published exclusively…
100% Open Access agreement with Cambridge University Press
The universities in the Netherlands and Cambridge University Press (CUP) have recently concluded a three-year agreement guaranteeing 100% open access to academic journals. As of June 1, researchers at Dutch universities will be able to publish articles in CUP’s full open access journals via the so-called…
Wiley agreement is a considerable step towards high quality Open Access
We are very pleased to announce the agreement between the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU) and John Wiley and Sons, Inc. on unlimited open access publication of Dutch academic articles combined with expanded subscription access to high-quality research.
Open Access agreement with Oxford University Press starts in 2019
As of this year, Leiden researchers form both University and LUMC may profit from the open access agreement that the Dutch Universities (VSNU) concluded with Oxford University Press (OUP).
Open access agreement with Taylor & Francis
A renewed agreement between VSNU and the publisher Taylor & Francis for 2016 and 2017 offers the opportunity for Leiden researchers to publish open access without additional costs in all hybrid journals published by Taylor & Francis and Routledge. We consider this to be an important step towards facilitating…
Martin Berger
Faculteit Archeologie
New ‘university centre’ to be created in former Hudson’s Bay building in downtown The Hague
Leiden University, together with the Open University and Universities of the Netherlands, will take up residence in the Spui building at Grote Marktstraat 48-50/Spui 3 in downtown The Hague from 2025. The partners signed the leases on 7 November.
Urban Studies
Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Urban Studies
Leiden University celebrates curiosity at 449th Dies Natalis
How has evolution shaped our curiosity? And how does that curiosity ensure that we now have the technological ability to discover whether we are alone in the universe? This was all covered during the celebration of Leiden University’s 449th Dies Natalis.
Reading list - The Rise of China and the New Global Order
In the past half a century, China has transformed from an underdeveloped and inward-looking country to a major player in world politics. The country asserts itself more boldly on the world stage; not only in relation to nearby countries and places such as Taiwan, Japan, and other countries that share…
Coming-out day – A reading list
In the past few decades, LGBTQ+ acceptance has come a long way. Coming out, however, is still a difficult experience for many people on a personal level. Everyone’s story is different and not everyone belongs to a clear denomination within the LGBTQ+ spectrum. That is why learning about the personal…
UN World Philosophy Day - a reading list
Today is World Philosophy Day. We asked three staff members from the Leiden Institute for Philosophy to name three of their favourite works from the Leiden University Library (UBL) collections. What is: the best introduction to philosophy, the best philosophical work published in the last few years…
Research suggestions
The research suggestions below may be suitable for a bachelor's or master's thesis or can be used as additional source material in ongoing research.
Korean Studies: General Subject Guide
This Subject Guide is designed to support students of Korean studies at Leiden University in their research process. For every step of the research process, this guide introduces a number of tips and recommended resources. You can find several sub-guides and contacts in the 'quick links' in the tab…