469 search results for “mobility and exchange” in the Staff website
Floris Keehnen
Faculteit Archeologie
Mette Langbroek
Faculteit Archeologie
Marie Kolbenstetter
Faculteit Archeologie
Sam Botan
Faculteit Archeologie
Corinne Hofman
Faculteit Archeologie
Documentary From Aksum to India premiered during Week of Classics
For the annual Week of Classics, Dr Marike van Aerde and her team made a documentary about their research project Routes of Exchange, Roots of Connectivity. In the film the team touches upon the interactions of Greeks and Romans with the wider ancient world, ranging from the African kingdom of Aksum…
Adam Benfer
Faculteit Archeologie
Mobile telephony
If you need a mobile telephone or a mobile subscription or data-only subscription, can apply for it via the helpdesk portal. You can also contact the helpdesk portal if you need to change or cancel a mobile or data-only subscription.
Career guidance and mobility
Would you like to explore the next step in your career, or find out what your future options are? Do you have specific qualities that you’d like to develop further in your work? Or are you wondering whether you’re still in the right place or might like something different, but don’t know what or where…
Jason Laffoon
Faculteit Archeologie
All Roads Lead to Rome? New Reflections on Ecology and Mobility in the Roman Empire
Lecture, Global Questions Seminar
Frans Theuws
Faculteit Archeologie
Apply now for the Una Europa Virtual Sustainability Exchange
Education, Research
Jorrit Rijpma
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Introducing: Timo McGregor
Timo McGregor recently joined the Institute for History as a NWO-Veni research fellow. His research explores legal and political thought in early modern European empires, with a particular focus on mobility, political belonging, and enslavement. Below he introduces himself.
Cybersecurity: using mobile devices
Errance and Border Transgressors: African Mobilities from Dakar to the Atlantic | Research Seminar
Lecture, Research Seminar
Erasmus+ grant for 13 exchange projects
Thirteen Leiden University exchange projects have been awarded an Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility grant. The total award of around 450,000 euros will enable 103 students and staff to go on an exchange.
Arie Boomert
Gelieerde instellingen
NIA - Music, Movement, Magic
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
Mail migration to Exchange Online
Human Trafficking, Beautiful Women, the Land of the Cockaigne, and Burmese Bells
Lecture, Histories Connected: Work-in-Progress
On exchange abroad as staff member of the Faculty of Law
As an employee, the Faculty of Law at Leiden University also allows you to go on an exchange. Read here how Esther Kentin experienced this and where to find more information.
Using mobile technology for self-directed language learning
Self-directed learning is more suitable for intermediate and advanced language learners than for beginners.
Mail migration from Outlook to Exchange Online
International Credit Mobility grant brings mathematicians together in Leiden
Leiden and South Africa have long standing historical ties in the field of mathematics. These ties have now been strengthened thanks to an Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) grant. Four researchers from Pretoria are now visiting Leiden. ‘No matter how good we are at dealing with Teams and…
Mail migration from Outlook to Exchange Online
Mail migration from Outlook to Exchange Online
Jorrit Rijpma in Bureau Buitenland on storming of Melilla
Last Friday, more than a dozen people died during the storming of Spain’s North African enclave of Melilla. A dramatic incident, but certainly not the first time that refugees and migrants have used force to try to enter Melilla.
Olga Gadyatskaya
Rishuai Chen
Francesco Walker
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Call for Expressions of Interest Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) 2023
Support the Rapidemic team and help them develop a mobile testing kit
A team of students from Leiden won the iGEM international biology contest in 2020 with their Rapidemic mobile testing kit. The kit makes it easy to detect viruses. The team has now been nominated for the Most Innovative Student in the Netherlands prize. Cast your vote and help them develop their inv…
- Commuting allowance changed: promoting sustainable travel with a new mobility policy
Jorrit Rijpma: Terugsturen asielzoekers is 'wensdenken'
In het asielplan van vorige week kondigde het kabinet aan meer in te zetten op vertrek van ’Dublin-claimanten’. Daarbij stelt het kabinet z’n hoop op een hernieuwd EU-plan.
Knowledge exchange LDE & University of Indonesia
In the context of urban challenges, multidisciplinary knowledge adds value. The idea is that urban planners, sociologists, economists, and historians can collectively provide a deeper understanding of what has worked and what hasn't so far. Since 2022, scientists from the University of Indonesia and…
Human Resources
Here you will find information about our HR policy. From salary scales to career guidance, and from confidential counsellors to various insurance (schemes) at an attractive discount.
electrical stimulation, wearable robots & humans to restore and enhance mobility
Eduard Fosch-Villaronga, Associate Professor at eLaw, contributed to 'Cyber–Physical–Human Systems', a book exploring the latest developments in interactions between cyber–physical systems and humans.
Erasmus+ for Training
PhD, Staff
Erasmus+ for Teaching Assignments
PhD, Staff
Professional Development Exchange Hub: what courses are on offer?
Education, Organisation, Research
'Reception of refugees in the region only possible with support from Europe'
The objective of many European countries is to provide reception facilities for refugees in their own region. Here in the Netherlands a new coalition agreement is in the making and Professor Jorrit Rijpma reflects on his own research to give advice and tips.
Jorrit Rijpma presents study to European Parliament
Jorrit Rijpma, Professor of European Law, together with Greek independent researcher Apostolis Fotiadis, investigated the European Commission’s enforcement powers in relation to fundamental rights compliance at Europe’s external borders. The study was commissioned and funded by the Greens Group of the…
Russische toeristen weigeren kan alleen op Europees niveau
Naar aanleiding van de aanhoudende oorlog tussen Rusland en Oekraïne willen verschillende Europese landen een inreisverbod invoeren tegen Russische staatsburgers. Maar mogen zij dit zomaar doen?
Jorrit Rijpma on increase of boat refugees crossing Channel
At least 27 migrants died on 24 November after their boat capsized in the Channel between France and England.
De Verbranders, a podcast on Europe's borders and resistance against them, is online
De Verbranders, a podcast produced by PhD candidates Neske Baerwaldt (FdR/VVI) and Wiebe Ruijtenberg (FSW/CAOS), is online! You can now listen to the first episode on Soundcloud, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. Episodes of the podcast will be introduced in various courses this year.
Exchange and inspiration at the Education Showcase
On Friday 20 May, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., approximately sixty lecturers met at the Faculty Club for the 2022 Education Showcase.
Campus The Hague welcomes their new exchange students
On Friday 3 February, all new incoming exchange students for the Spring semester were invited to attend their own Faculty’s introduction session.
Unique opportunity to exchange ideas with Professor Rosemary Joyce