941 search results for “brain and behaviour” in the Public website
The developing brain and behaviour
The more opportunities a child has to learn and develop, the stronger his or her future position in society. Leiden University investigates how the brain picks up information, and how learning processes can be influenced positively.
The developing brain and behaviour
Our childhood years largely determine how we will fare later in life. In the first two decades of our life, our brain is still developing, which is clearly reflected in our behaviour. By studying how the young brain develops and how children behave, researchers can learn important information about…
Brain and Development
What is the relation between brain development and social and cognitive development across childhood, adolescence and adulthood?
Brain and Education Lab
The Brain and Education lab is a research group in the Institute of Education and Child Studies at Leiden University in the Netherlands. We use a Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience approach to study the development of complex cognitive processes involved in learning and academic skills such as reading…
Brain and Cognition
This interdisciplinary minor emphasizes the diversity and complementarity of various cognitive neuroscience approaches to understanding the human brain.
Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition
The Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC) is a network that stimulates interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and expertise on topics related to brain and cognition and focuses on science valorisation and outreach.
Eveline Crone wins Dr Hendrik Muller prize
Eveline Crone, professor of neurocognitive developmental psychology at Leiden University, has been awarded the Dr Hendrik Muller Prize for Behavioural and Social Sciences by KNAW.
Genetic predisposition to social anxiety disorder measurable in the brain
It was already known that social anxiety disorder often affects more than one person in the same family. But research by PhD student Janna Marie Bas-Hoogendam has now shown that there are genetic brain characteristics that are associated with social anxiety. The PhD ceremony will take place on 14 Ja…
Social and Behavioural Sciences
There are five institutes at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences:
Social and Behavioural Sciences
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences brings together high-quality research and outstanding teaching in the disciplines of cultural anthropology, education and child studies, political science, psychology, science and technology studies, as well as in multidisciplinary approaches.
Students advanced LL.M. programme International Children’s Rights visit Dutch juvenile detention center De Hunnerberg
On 25 October 2017, the current class of students of the advanced LL.M. programme International Children’s Rights visited juvenile detention center ‘De Hunnerberg’ in Nijmegen (the Netherlands).
Right brain hemisphere also important for learning a new language
Novel language learning activates different neural processes than was previously thought. A Leiden research team has discovered parallel but separate contributions from the hippocampus and Broca's area, the learning centre in the left hemisphere. The right hemisphere of the brain also seems to play…
Graduate School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
A warm welcome to the Graduate School of Social and Behavioural Sciences at Leiden University.
Longitudinal brain development (Brain Time study)
How is structural and functional brain development related to behavioral change in cognitive-control, impulse regulation, and socio-emotional functioning?
The adolescent brain
Fundamental insights into the working of the adolescent brain help lecturers and parents to teach adolescents to function better. Professor Eveline Crone studies executive functions – such as planning and behaviour – in the adolescent brain.
- Social and Behavioural Sciences
Mind and brain
This minor focuses on the cognitive processes that influence the interaction between the brain and the mind.
Catecholamine function, brain state dynamics, and human cognition
The work presented in this thesis addresses the role of the locus coeruleus (LC) - norepinephrine (NE) system in various aspects of human cognition, and the modulation of brain state.
Guts and Brains
An Integrative Approach to the Hominin Record
Prof. Ton Liefaard speaks in Strasbourg about children’s rights in the field of biomedicine
On 24-25 October 2017, the Council of Europe organized an international conference to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine (Oviedo Convention).
Together we can make an impact
Our mission: a positive impact. Our vision: community. By involving the world around us in our education and research we make a positive impact. We do this by applying Open Science.
Brain networks and the initial stages of dementia
Dementia is a progressive disease, diagnosed at a relatively late stage when intervention may not be effective. Aim of the research is to study scans of brain networks to help discover the early network changes related to dementia. Early diagnosis may benefit effectiveness of future treatment.
Ethnic disadvantage and adolescents’ emotional- and behavioural problems
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences provides its ca. 5000 students with a thorough education in the social and behavioural sciences. The student population is very diverse and international in nature.
Train your brain!
Neuroimaging research has greatly advanced our insights on how the brain is organized. Now is the time for the next step: Imagine what would be possible when we cannot only map brain-functioning, but use neuroimaging to voluntarily regulate brain-activity!
The social brain in middle childhood
A neurobiological perspective on individual differences in social competence
Most degree programmes at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences are based in the Pieter de la Court building on the Wassenaarseweg in Leiden. Besides this location, some degree programmes are based in The Hague, at Campus The Hague’s Wijnhaven building.
Media use and brain development during adolescence
Nowadays children grow up with social media. This may influence the development of brain regions involved in social interaction. In their review article in Nature Communications, Crone and Konijn illustrate how neuroscience can contribute to a better understanding of how media and peers influence adolescents'…
Psychology Lab on Wheels
Psychology Lab on Wheels makes research accessible to all: with our mobile lab we literally reach people on the street. From bustling city centres to remote areas, our lab travels all over, making it easy for you to participate in our research. And with your help, we gain new insights and deepen our…
Towards High Performance and Efficient Brain Computer Interface Character Speller: Convolutional Neural Network based Methods
A P300-based Brain Computer Interface character speller, also known as P300 speller, has been an important communication pathway, under extensive research, for people who lose motor ability, such as patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or spinal-cord injury because a P300 speller allows human-beings…
Zebrafish personality, stress physiology and behaviour in the context of sound exposure
To what extent is sound a stressor to fish? And are behavioural and physiological phenotypes equally sensitive to disturbance by noise pollution?
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences brings together high-quality research and outstanding mono- and multidisciplinary teaching.
Creating a brain atlas
Researchers have been working for centuries in mapping the human brain. But in the year 2017 some brain structures remain still not well mapped, especially those located at the brainstem. In this paper, we quantified the test–retest reliability of imaging the brainstem nucleus locus coeruleus in vivo…
Lipid signaling in brain diseases
Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease are the most common neurodegenerative disorders. Unfortunately, no effective treatments are currently available to halt the progression of these neuroinflammatory diseases [1].
The Programmer's Brain
Your brain responds in a predictable way when it encounters new or difficult tasks. This unique book teaches you concrete techniques rooted in cognitive science that will improve the way you learn and think about code.
Welcome to the Leiden University Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences brings together high-quality research and outstanding teaching.
Cognitive and behavioural emotion regulation after negative and traumatic life events
To study relationships between emotion regulation after negative and traumatic life events and psychopathology. Within this context, another goal is to develop and validate emotion regulation questionnaires.
About us
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences brings together high-quality research and outstanding mono- and multidisciplinary teaching.
Biorythm and brain dysfunction
Neuromodulation Shapes Intrinsic MRI Functional Connectivity in the Human Brain
The factors that dynamically sculpt the inter-regional correlation of brain patterns are poorly understood. Here, we test the hypothesis that they are shaped by the catecholaminergic neuromodulators norepinephrine and dopamine.
Sex effects on development of brain structure and executive functions: Greater variance than mean effects
This study is the first to directly relate brain development to sex differences and school performance. The results debunk the myth that brain development is slower in boys.
Leiden delves into the mystery of the brain and language
The Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition (LIBC) is concentrating increasingly on research into the role of the brain in language development. The institute has now set up the LIBC Language website that brings together all the information on this research.
The social brain in adolescence
What is the neural basis of social decision-making across childhood, adolescence and adulthood and what are the developmental patterns in terms of behavior and brain activation?
Prediction of brain target site concentrations on the basis of CSF PK: impact of mechanisms of blood-to-brain transport and within brain distribution
Promotor: Prof.dr. M. Danhof, Co-promotor: E.C.M. de Lange
Diversity and inclusion at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Within the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FSW), D&I translates as the diversity of backgrounds, perspectives, and identities among both students and staff.
Lecture “Speed in Music, Brain and Body” at Café Chercher
ACPA’s PhD candidate and composer/flutist Ned McGowan will give a lecture at Café Chercher on March 27 called Speed in Music, Brain and Body.
Sound of Mind: electrophysiological and behavioural evidence for the role of context, variation and informativity in human speech processing
In this dissertation, electrophysiological (EEG) and behavioural measures are used to investigate how allophonic tonal variants and sub-phonemic features are processed during Mandarin and Dutch speech production, visual processing of written words and reading aloud.
Unravelling the Impact of Emotional Maltreatment on the Developing Brain
What role do parent-child interactions play in the development, maintenance and treatment of depression in young people?
Language processing and the multilingual brain
This project looks at how the native language influences processing mechanisms of non-native language(s) as well has how it influences brain structure and functional connectivity.
How does the brain process smartphone interactions?
Smartphone behaviors are so common but how does the brain generate this behavior? The Cognition in the digital environment laboratory (CODELAB) investigated the brain activity surrounding smartphone interactions with the help of Artificial Intelligence. According to their research, the brain fluidly…