2,432 search results for “international relations” in the Public website
International Relations
Are you thinking about studying International Relations? Learn more about the programme and watch the general introduction video.
Globalizing Regionalism and International Relations
Building on the recent initiative to truly globalize the field of international relations, this book provides an innovative interrogation of regionalism.
International Relations (MA)
Understanding the complexities of world affairs requires an ability to think critically and to draw insights from a variety of perspectives, sources, and analytic frames. Leiden University’s Master of Arts in International Relations addresses these needs through distinctive humanities-based training…
- International Relations and Organisations
International Relations and Diplomacy (MSc)
The two-year Advanced MSc IRD programme offers you a unique blend of academic education in international relations and political science with practical graduate education and training in international negotiation and diplomacy.
International Relations and Organisations (BSc)
Are you interested in international organisations, issues of peace and security, or current changes in global political relations? Would you like to study the causes of terrorism and the resolution of violent conflicts? Develop your scholarship and skills in international affairs in The Hague.
International Relations and Diplomacy (MSc)
Are you thinking about studying International Relations and Diplomacy? Learn more and watch the videos.
Social Distance in International Relations
This project studies social distance—the degree of sympathetic understanding that exists between people—in relation to state foreign policy making. Does, and if so how does, social distance shape political biases, aid narratives, and, ultimately, state foreign policy priorities and decisions?
International Relations: Culture and Politics
Are you thinking about studying International Relations: Culture and Politics? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
International Relations: European Union Studies
Are you thinking about studying European Union Studies? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
International Relations: Global Political Economy
Are you thinking about studying Global Political Economy? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
Leiden University Centre for International Relations
The Leiden University Centre for International Relations (LUCIR) is a multi-disciplinary platform promoting research and education on international relations at Leiden University.
Get to know International Relations and Organisations
Are you interested in international organisations, issues of peace and security, or current changes in global political relations? Would you like to study the causes of terrorism and the resolution of violent conflicts? Develop your scholarship and skills in international affairs in The Hague.
Get to know International Relations and Organisations
Are you interested in international organisations, issues of peace and security, or current changes in global political relations? Would you like to study the causes of terrorism and the resolution of violent conflicts? Develop your scholarship and skills in international affairs in The Hague.
Experience Day International Relations and Organisations
Study information
International Relations: Global Order in Historical Perspective
Are you thinking about studying Global Order in Historical Perspective? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
South Africa, Race and the Making of International Relations
This book offers readers an alternative history of the origins of the discipline of International Relations.
The Imperial Discipline: Race and the Founding of International Relations
This book questions the accepted origins of the field of International Relations (IR). Commonly understood to have emerged from the horrors of WW1 with the goal of bringing about world peace, the authors argue that on the contrary, IR came from a somewhat less noble tradition – that of the Round Tab…
Student for a Day at International Relations and Organisations
Study information
Student for a Day at International Relations and Organisations
Study information
International Relations: Global Conflict in the Modern Era
Are you thinking about studying Global Conflict in the Modern Era? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
Student for a Day at International Relations and Organisations
Study information
Student for a Day at International Relations and Organisations
Study information
Membership Norms and Regional Organisation', European Journal of International Relations
Article by Leiden University political scientist Daniel Thomas about shifting norms for membership in international organisations.
Lenore Todd
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Susanne Kamerling
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Lindsay Black
Faculty of Humanities
Patrick Antenbrink
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Beatrix Campbell
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Edmund Frettingham
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Jay Huang
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Kai Hebel
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Graduation Ceremony MA International Relations
On Wednesday 19 October 2022, the graduation ceremony for the International Relations MA programme took place. In the Teylerszaal of the Academy Building, the cohort of Master's students received their diploma.
Reasserting America in the 1970s: US Public Diplomacy and the Rebuilding of America's Image Abroad
Reasserting America in the 1970s brings together two areas of burgeoning scholarly interest.
Anahita Arian
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Marinko Bobic
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Roos van der Haer
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Alfred van Staden
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Nichiran kankei-shi o yomitoku [Revisiting the History of Dutch-Japanese Relations]
Nichiran kankei-shi o yomitoku [Revisiting the History of Dutch-Japanese Relations] is a new, two-volume Japanese publication with a chapter written by Wulan Remmelink. Both volumes offer a new look on the historical relations between Japan and The Netherlands during the Edo period by examining various…
Diego Salama
Faculty of Humanities
Densua Mumford
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
Yuan Yi Zhu
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Joris van de Riet
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Alyssa Akkerman
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Blog Post | International Society and Uncertainty in International Relations
The ongoing conflicts between the United States and its allies and Russia and between the United States and its allies and China reflect both the anarchical nature of the international system and the uncertainty with which decision-makers and diplomats have to deal with in attempting to solve the conflicts…
KIGS - Kommunikationsmuster in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften
KIGS is a research project on communication patterns in the social sciences and humanities. Counting of publications and citations are common methods to measure international scientific impact. Based on citation analyses, various calculation methods and indicators have developed in recent years. However,…
Paul van der Heijden
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Rebels and Legitimacy: Processes and Practices
Legitimacy is generally a term that is associated with the state. The term surfaces when there are problems with state legitimacy—when it is lacking or absent. This present volume attempts to think through the relevance of the concept of legitimacy for other political actors than the state.
14th Pan-European Conference on International Relations
Various GTGC researchers convened panels and presented papers at the 14th Pan-European Conference on International Relations: The Power Politics of Nature, that took place online from 13-17 September 2021.