135 search results for “politiek in ecuador” in the Public website
Social Policy, Poverty, and Inequality in Ecuador 1980-2021 [Política social, pobreza y desigualdad en el Ecuador 1980-2021]
This book offers a detailed analysis of social policy in Ecuador, covering its evolution over the past four decades. It examines how social relations and institutional frameworks have influenced concepts of well-being, the implemented policies, and the outcomes achieved.
Fostering Positive Attitudes Towards Venezuelan Migrants Among the Youth in Ecuador
Does “putting yourself in the migrant’s shoes” elicit more positive attitudes toward migration? Can perspective-taking – the active consideration of others’ mental states and subjective experiences – help undermine negative stereotypes and prejudice against migrants? We explore these questions in Ecuador,…
Language documentation Ecuador
Collaborative linguistic research on indigenous languages of Ecuador: description, documentation & materials
Politicologie / Internationale politiek
This programme video is presented in Dutch
Blog Post | The storming of the Mexican Embassy in Ecuador: Inviolability and Political Asylum
On Friday, April 5, the Ecuadorian police stormed the Mexican Embassy in Quito to arrest former Ecuadorian vice president Jorge Glas Espinel.
Proefstuderen Politicologie: Nationale en Internationale Politiek
Study information
Management van de Publieke Sector: Politiek, Beleid en Management (MSc)
Are you thinking about studying Management van de Publieke Sector: Politiek, Beleid en Management? Learn more and watch thevideos. Please note that this programme is taught in Dutch.
- Ethiek, politiek en cultuur: filosofie van het menselijk handelen
Ik wil iets met Bestuur, Politiek en Rechten
This presentation is presented in Dutch
De politiek van Europees beleid
Book project on how European policy is made and implemented, with a focus on how that process can be understood and lead to policy change.
Stijl en politiek. Een taalkundig-stilistische benadering van Nederlandse parlementaire toespraken
This dissertation contains the further development of a method for linguistic-stylistic research, which provides a systematic means to interpret global impressions of a text through choices in formulation at word- and sentence level.
Diana Davila Gordillo
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
Eerste Kamer vervult te veel een politieke rol
De rol van de Eerste Kamer is het toetsen van wetten op uitvoerbaarheid. Wim Voermans, hoogleraar Staatsrecht, zegt voor NPO Radio1 dat de Eerste Kamer nu te veel een politieke rol in plaats van een controlerende rol vervult.
Application deadlines
Check your application deadlines here.
Application, selection and placement
Our selection and placement procedure starts with your application and ends with—hopefully—an invitation to you to enrol as an IRO student. This page tells you all you need to know about the steps to be taken in between.
A Grammatical Description of Schiwiar
On the 29th of June, Martin Kohlberger successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Martin on this achievement!
Meeloopdag Politicologie/Internationale Politiek
Study information
Meeloopdag Politicologie/Internationale Politiek
Study information
The linguistic past of Mesoamerica and the Andes: a search for early migratory relations between North and South America
The aim of the project is to unravel the genetic and contact relations between the indigenous languages of Mesoamerica (Mexico and western Central America) and the Middle Andes region (Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia), as part of a larger endeavor to understand the historical process of the peopling of the Americas…
Political Ideas of B.G. Tilak
On 12 April 2022 Alok Oak successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Dutch Politics (MSc)
Combine the analytical tools of the Political Science discipline with an in-depth study of current politics in the Netherlands.
International Politics (BSc)
How do different countries cooperate with each other? What causes conflicts to arise? What are the tools for balancing diverse local, national and global interests? If you are interested in politics and want to understand the story behind the news flashes, headlines and social media posts, choose the…
Admission and application
Are you interested in studying the Politicologie: Nationale en Internationale Politiek at Leiden University? There are some deadlines and procedures you should know about. We list them for you below.
Proyecto "Kichwawa"
El proyecto consta de la creación de un libro infantil con contenido de leyendas y cuentos andinos kichwas andinos, con realidad virtual aumentada, que fomente el aprendizaje y activación hacia la lengua kichwa de manera oral y escrita a los niños y niñas, mediante la interacción con padres y/o tutores. El…
After graduation
It might seem far away, but the end of your studies is often sooner than you think. Luckily, the specialisation Nationale en Internationale Politiek provides an ideal basis for continued academic education and a professional career.
China, een gids voor de 21e eeuw
China wordt steeds assertiever in zijn relaties met andere landen, maar achter dit beeld gaat een opmerkelijk diverse maatschappij en politieke realiteit schuil die tal van aanknopingspunten biedt voor samenwerking en verdere integratie van China in de wereld. In China een gids voor de 21e eeuw past…
Politicologie (BSc)
Political Science: National and International Politics is a broad study with a lot of depth. You will study political issues at the local, national and international levels, from a variety of perspectives. You will be taught by renowned, committed professors. In Leiden you will find a real student city…
Meestuderen Politicologie/Internationale Politiek
Study information
From Tax Havens to Tax Justice
On Friday 17 November 2017, H.E. Dr. María Fernanda Espinosa, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility of the Republic of Ecuador gave a lecture on Fairness in Global Taxation at the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies at Leiden University, Campus The Hague.
Book review Anchrit Wille in the Economist
Anchrit Wille, Associate Professor at Leiden University's Institute of Public Administration, wrote together with Mark Bovens, Professor of Public Administration at the Utrecht University School of Governance the book“Diploma Democracy”. The Economist wrote a review “This fascinating book shows that…
Jaap de Jong
Faculty of Humanities
BSc degrees: ‘Political Science’, ‘International Relations and Organisations’. MSc degree: Political Science, with specialisations ‘International Organisation’; ‘Dutch Politics; ‘Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and Development’; ‘International Politics’; ‘Political Legitimacy and Justice’; ‘Democracy…
Ecology-based discovery of novel antimicrobials from rare Actinobacteria
Uncover novel antimicrobials with prospective health benefits for sea turtles.
Clause-typing and evidentiality in Ecuadorian Siona
This dissertation presents an in-depth study of the clause-typing system in Ecuadorian Siona.
Social and Behavioural Sciences
At Leiden University’s Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences we keep in touch with our alumni in various ways.
Referendum in Bolivia: test for democracy
The Bolivian people will make their opinion known on a change to the constitution in a referendum on 21 February. Leiden University organised a symposium on the referendum on 11 February. The aim of the change is to allow President Evo Morales to remain in power until 2025.
Political Science (BSc)
As a Political Science student you will analyse political phenomena at a local, national and global level—covering a broad range of topics and applying state of the art methods. Your tutors are renown researchers in their field; Leiden is one of Europe’s oldest and highest ranking universities. Personal…
Introducing: Håvar Solheim
Håvar Solheim started his PhD at the Institute for History and the Centre for Study and Documentation of Latin-America, Amsterdam (CEDLA) April 1st 2011.
Islamitisch basisonderwijs in Nederland
Marietje Beemsterboer defended her thesis on 12 June 2018 (in Dutch)
The following maps show institutional collaborations and with indigenous communities (scroll down).
- Blog Posts Archive
- The Hague Journal of Diplomacy
Application and admission
The Leiden University Political Science bachelor’s specialisation International Relations and Organisations enjoys a high popularity. To assure the quality of education, the number of students it admits is limited. This is known as a 'numerus fixus'. If there are more applications than this ‘numerus…
About the programme
As a student in the programme Politicologie: Nationale en Internationale Politiek, you will examine societies and power relations with the analytical eye of a scientist. You will deal with interesting, important topics such as elections, civil wars and international cooperation. In doing so, you will…
Meta-ethiek. Methode, theorieën, ontwikkelingen
Do objectively correct solutions to ethical dilemmas exist? Or is ethics always a matter of your opinion against my opinion? How do you know what to do? What kind of thing is ethics anyway? Can you be an expert in ethics?
Claude Lefort, Democratie en totalitarisme
In Democratie en totalitarisme zijn de invloedrijkste opstellen van de Franse denker Claude Lefort samengebracht. Lefort laat overtuigend zien dat de kwetsbaarheid van de democratie juist ook haar kracht is. Voor democratie is essentieel dat de macht als ‘lege plaats’ verschijnt. Zij mag slechts tijdelijk…
Members of LUCIR contribute to various education programmes in the sphere of international relations, exchanging expertise with both bachelor’s and master’s students.
Maar zo bedoelde ik het niet!
Aan de hand van bekende en minder bekende voorbeelden uit de wereld van politiek en media laat dit boek zien hoe je strategisch gebruik én misbruik kunt maken van taal.
- Bachelor events
Maria Gabriela Palacio Ludeña
Faculty of Humanities