40 search results for “give” in the Organisational structure
Employee participation bodies represent the welfare and interests of employees and students. Within the FSW: The Faculty Council and the Institute Councils have the right of consent and the right to give advice. The Programme Committees and the Student Sounding Board Group give the various boards…
Luris teams
Business Development Tying opportunities and Leiden possibilities together by: * early involvement in researchers’ ideas and projects * supporting for strategic decisions at departmental level * supporting commercial development * managing strategic alliances * managing existing accounts * identifying…
FLO - ICT in Education
The Future Learning Office (FLO team) supports the use of ICT systems and tools in education within this faculty. FLO is, among other things, the first point of contact for Brightspace and is responsible for the Weblectures in the lecture halls. If you have a question, don't hesitate to ask. You can…
Ethics Committee
The ethics committee gives binding advice on ethical issues in research. Using the checklist, researchers are to determine whether their research needs to be presented to the committee for an ethics review. Grant applications will not be reviewed by the committee. Only research for which funding is…
Administrative Shared Service Centre (ASSC) Staff Committee
On 1 January 2021, the Administrative Shared Service Centre (ASSC) appointed its own Staff Committee. The Staff Committee represents all ASSC staff and consults regularly with the Centre’s managers to ensure that the ASSC continues to run smoothly. The Committee focuses on relevant matters such as working…
Privacy statement Leiden Matching prospective students
Before you start a bachelor’s programme, it is important that you have the right information. This information should relate not only to the content of the study programme and the type of courses, for instance, but also to whether the study programme is actually the right one for you. Leiden University…
Committees and boards
Boards of Admissions Every master’s programme has a Board of Admissions, which determines whether a student can be admitted to that programme. Boards of Examiners Every study programme has a Board of Examiners, which monitors compliance with the Course and Examination Regulations. Committee on Academic…
Overlap Committee Agreements
Each year different types of activities and events are organised for first year students to give them the opportunity to become well acquinted with Leiden University, Leiden itself and student life. To ensure that the introduction period for first-year students remains clearly structured and well-organised…
Meeting schedule and agenda
The University Council meets about eight times a year. In addition, the University Council regularly consults with the Executive Board. The meetings between the Executive Board and the University Council are always followed by a brief confidential Council meeting, in which advice is finalised and decisions…
Institute Council
The Institute Council consists of scientists, support staff and PhD candidates. They represent the rest of the staff and give the Institute Board solicited and unsolicited advice on all matters on the Institute level relating to teaching, research, and organisation. The Institute Council is elected…
Faculty Board
The faculty is headed by the Faculty Board, consisting of the Dean (research portfolio and also chairman), a board member with the portfolio education (also Deputy Dean), a board member with the portfolio of financial management and a student member (the assessor). The Faculty Board is responsible for…
Participation: Students' Council
The Students’ Council (SR) is a representative advisory body in the LUMC. The council represents all students in the LUMC’s study programmes: Biomedical Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacy, Population Health Management, and Vitality and Ageing and gives (un)solicited advice on all faculty matters related to…
Committee on Second Source of Funding
The Committee on Second Source of Funding gives advice to writers of research grant applications about their draft applications. Assessment committees at NWO comprise representatives of several different disciplines, which means that applications can also be assessed by ‘lay people’. The Faculty’s Committee…
Societal Advisory Board
As a sounding board, the Societal Advisory Board can hold up a mirror and allow the 'outside world' to contribute ideas on strategic policy on important themes within the faculty. These could be in such areas as connecting education to labour market needs, public-private cooperation in research, internationalisation…
Student Sounding-Board Group
Student Sounding-Board Group (SKG) is an informal platform that acts as a consultant for the faculty policy. The SKG meets once a month, under the chairmanship of the assessor, to discuss various topics such as study advice, student communication and the facilities of the building. The SKG is a…
Honours and Excellence
As an Honours College, LUC holds high academic standards for all its students. Every single member of our community has already demonstrated something special about themselves, something that sets them apart from their peers. You have been selected because we believe in your potential. LUC offers an…
Human Resources
Our team of versatile HR professionals give creative recommendations and solutions that contribute to the organisational goals, job statisfaction and a healthy work climate for all staff at Humanities. The core values of HR: Approachable, independent, honest, making connections and development-orien…
Employee Council LLInC
As the Employee Council of LLInC, we represent the interests of all LLInC staff. We monitor issues such as employee wellbeing and workload, and we review important documents such as budgets and business plans.
Agreements for meetings
There are several ways in which the participation body can support board/council members who do not speak Dutch or do not speak it well. In addition to the translation tool and a language buddy, agreements can be made with the chair or secretary to help non-Dutch-speaking members before, after and during…
Committee Ethics and Data
The Committee’s main task is to review research proposals on criteria concerning ethically responsible scientific conduct. The conditions and principles applied by the Committee are set out in the Regulations that have been drawn up for this purpose. Ethical review can be relevant in cases concerning…
Faculty Council
The Faculty Council is the second highest consultation body within the University, after the University Council. The Faculty Council (FC) has the right of consent and the right to prior consultation on various matters relating to the Faculty. The Council thus functions as the representative of students…
Faculty Board
The Faculty Board is responsible for the administration of the faculty as a whole and with its management. Its main tasks are to give direction to, coordinate and stimulate the faculty as a whole and the various (research) centres in particular.
Policy, Advice and Strategy
The Policy, Advice and Strategy department assists the Faculty Board in developing and implementing its policies and procedures. The department is staffed by employees who deal with a variety of specific policy issues, as well as project managers, and administrative support personnel. The Board Secretary…
Communications and Marketing
The team Communications and Marketing is responsible for the Faculty's communications in the broadest sense of the term, both internal as well as external. The team supervises the social media channels of the Faculty, composes newsletters to staff, students, and alumni, aims to let new students enroll…
Employee Council Student and Educational Affairs (SEA)
The Student & Educational Affairs (SEA) Employee Council represents all SEA employees and consults regularly with management. Its focus is the proper functioning of the organisation. The Employee Council contributes to the smooth running of the department, promotes the well-being and interests…
Student parties
Students can stand as candidates during university elections via a party. On this page, the student parties present themselves.
Cookie declaration The Leiden University website (universiteitleiden.nl) uses cookies. Cookies are small files that are placed on your computer, tablet or phone when you visit the website. For example, we use cookies to analyse visits to our website in order to improve ease of use. By law, we are allowed…
Unions in the Local Consultative Body
Three unions represent Leiden University employees in the Local Consultative Body. The union delegation has at least six and no more than eight members who are appointed by their own unions: Unions Internal members External members AOb Nicole van Os (chair) Prof. dr. R.E. Breuker Mr. A. Charifi…
Educational Service Centre
The Educational Service Centre (OSC) of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs oversees the student and course administration and the faculty-level support for all educational administration and content systems at our faculty. The OSC is also responsible for organising all education-related…
Study Advice
The Study Advice Department guides students during their studies and gives advice on, for example, srudie planning.
Board of Examiners
The Board of Examiners of the Institute of Political Science has been legally appointed to organise and coordinate examinations. Its main powers are described in the programme’s Course & Examination Regulations (CER), as well as its own Rules and Regulations.
Tasks and powers of the Faculty Councils
The tasks and powers of the Faculty Council are very similar to those of the University Council. However, the subjects are often different, because at faculty level there are other issues than at a central level. Except the faculty LUMC, the faculties of Leiden University have a representative…
Defending the interests of PhDs and postdocs at Leiden University
Patents and the patenting process
What are patents? Patents protect an invention from being commercialised by others without the owner’s consent. A patent does not give a right for use, but rather prevents others from having the right to use your invention (without your permission). The responsibility for enforcing the right…
Psychology Research Ethics Committee
The Psychology Research Ethics Committee considers applications for ethical approval for research conducted within the Institute of Psychology. All studies and experiments conducted in psychology first must obtain ethical approval in order to protect participants' interests. Judy Veldhuijzen – Health,…
Faculty strategic plan
The Faculty Strategic Plan (FSP) 2022 – 2027, We are Humanities, sets out the faculty's ambitions for the coming years. The wealth of international academic knowledge about languages, cultures and societies worldwide, past and present, makes the Faculty of Humanities unique. The FSP describes how…
Research Committee
The Research Committee advises the Institute board on all subjects concerning research and helps with monitoring the research quality.
Institute of Anglo-American Law
The Institute of Anglo-American Law was established by Professor Basil Markesinis, and opened by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales in 1988.
Staff members in the Faculty Council are elected for 2 years, students for 1 year. For the elections for the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, a candidate system is used. This means that seats are allocated directly to persons. More information about the election system…
Core Vision Bachelor's Programmes
Core vision Bachelor's programme